Clancy Gibson

Clancy Gibson

Accredited Exercise Physiologist


My younger years were spent climbing trees and swimming in rivers starting in the Northern Rivers area of NSW before heading west and finishing school in Pinjarra, a small town south of Perth. I completed a bachelor’s degree in Asian Studies (Chinese) at the University of Western Australia while training and coaching Parkour which I discovered as a teenager and sparked my love of movement and strength and conditioning. Later I delved into bodyweight strength training and outdoor rock climbing which has taken me to climbing locations across Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

I have always loved sharing my knowledge and am bad at holding my cards close to my chest, which is why in my 30s I decided to take the plunge and return to university. I completed my Bachelor’s of Exercise Physiology at the University of Sydney, giving myself the theoretical knowledge to complement my extensive practical experience enabling me to pursue a career as an Exercise Physiologist and share my knowledge. My greatest professional passion is empowering others to improve their health through the benefits of exercise.


Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology) (USYD)
ESSA Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Exercise Scientist
Bachelor of Arts Asian Studies (Chinese) (UWA)
WorkCover NSW Approved
Medicare Registered Provider
DVA Registered Provider
NDIS Registered Provider



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