What is Multiple Sclerosis and what are the common symptoms?

Longevity Exercise Physiology Drummoyne,Edgecliff, Marrickville,Bella Vista, Randwick, Lindfield and Balmain see many people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and know first-hand the positive benefits of exercise for those with all types of MS. Today we discuss what MS is, common types and common symptoms people may experience. What is MS? In MS, the immune system attacks…

Why it’s Important you Return to the Gym Sooner Rather Later

All of Longevity’s Exercise Physiologists are enjoying being back in the gyms in our Edgecliff, Randwick, Marrickville, Lindfield and Drummoyne locations. However, from speaking with all of our clients, we understand some of you may still have hesitations about returning to training in the gym. That’s why today’s blog is all about helping you determine…

Exercise and Preventing Australia’s Leading Causes of Death

As the number of COVID-19 cases in Australia decreases, it’s time to remind ourselves of the chronic diseases that continue to be the biggest killers in Australia year after year. In today’s blog, Longevity Exercise Physiology discusses the leading causes of death in Australia and what you can do to prevent these diseases. The top…

Starting Exercise in your Mid-50’s: It’s never too late ladies!

Today we take you through a story of a female in her mid-50’s who began training with Longevity Exercise Physiology at our Lindfield location at age 56. She had trained as a young adult, but after becoming a mum and working at the same time, she put her own health and wellbeing on the back…