What exercise does that a diet cannot

Although weight loss is the primary goal for a lot of clients and is independently associated with mortality, cardiovascular disease risk, type 2 diabetes risk and many more morbidities, it is important to consider the health benefits that exercise brings irrespective of weight loss. As 24% of “healthy” weight individuals are considered metabolically obese and…

Longevity Opens TWO New Locations

Longevity Exercise Physiology is excited to announce the opening of 2 NEW locations and therefore we are looking to grow our team.   About the business and the role Established in 2008, Longevity Exercise Physiology offers gym-based Exercise Physiology services which provides a broader range of solutions for each client/patient. Our goal is to have the healthiest,…

DEXA v BIA scales

  Body composition describes the percentage of fat, bone and muscle in the body. What is considered a healthy body composition varies between males and females and different age groups. For example, healthy body fat ranges increase in older age groups.   Do I need to know the breakdown of my muscle and fat?  …

Exercise for the Ageing Population

Exercise in general has so many benefits for every single person. Today, we are going to talk about the benefits of exercise for older adults in particular.   As we age, many chronic health conditions arise. The most common conditions include Cardiovascular disease, Cancers, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Obesity, Parkinson’s disease, Dementia, and Depression.   Exercise…

A Guide to Weight Management – Part 4

  Last week we looked at the effect of quantity and quality of food on weight management. This week we delve deeper into the macro and micro-nutrient composition of our intake and why balance is important in weight management.   What are macro and micronutrients?   Macro-nutrients are nutrients that are required in large amounts by the body. There are three…

Longevity’s Weight Management Guide – Part 2

Last week we learnt that using simple lifestyle interventions i.e regularly exercising and eating healthy helps to control our weight. The most interesting thing to note is having more muscle will burn more kilojoules and therefore resistance training is paramount.   Following on, weight is accurate when you measure it 2 to 3 days post…

Longevity’s Weight Management Guide – Part 1

Weight management is an important consideration in the realm of health and fitness, and a distinction from thinking of embarking on a “weight loss” or “weight gain” goal achieved through strict dieting. Thinking of your weight as an ever changing measure that you have complete control of increasing or decreasing allows for the burden of…