Job Opportunity in Lindfield: Accredited Exercise Physiologist

We are looking for an Accredited Exercise Physiologist to join our Longevity Team in Lindfield. This role will help to continue to grow our Lindfield location which has already grown significantly in the last 12 Months. You can read more or apply here or call and speak to us directly on 1300 964 002 if you…

Longevity Drummoyne NOW OPEN

Longevity Personal Training and Exercise Physiology is proud to announce that we have opened our 5th location inside of Plus Fitness Drummoyne. This location is perfectly suited for servicing clients located in Drummoyne, Balmain, Gladesville, Ryde, Hunters hills, Five Dock, Rozelle, Haberfield, Abbotsford and surrounding suburbs. This location is situated on Victoria Road with onsite…

Benefits of Exercising with a Partner

This week our Longevity Exercise Physiologists in  Edgecliff, Marrickville, Randwick, Lindfield and Drummoyne have a look at Valentines Day and Partnered Exercise. As Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and culture usually encourages going out with a partner for an expensive night filled with drinks, dessert and chocolate. We at Longevity thought it would be…


The Longevity Exercise Physiologists at Edgecliff, Marrickville, Randwick, Lindfield and Drummoyne often treat individuals who have repetitive strain injuries, athletes with chronic fatigue and recreational athletes who get injured doing something that they have been doing for years. Although these may feel like unavoidable injuries, the magic answer usually involves looking at your exercise routine and…

Exercise and Fuel Selection

Are you burning fat? Should you “carb up”? Intensity matters! The Longevity exercise physiology team at Edgecliff, Marrickville, Randwick, Lindfield and Drummoyne often get asked about fuel sources and the best ways to burn energy. At Longevity, we track your cardiovascular fitness, strength and endurance in every session. Many of our clients have a weight loss…

Talking About Glutes

Talking About Glutes Following on from our hamstring blog, we’re now going to discuss the role of the glutes in the body. We will discuss the difference between the 3, their importance in injury prevention, athletic development and especially rehabilitation. At Longevity in  Edgecliff, Lindfield, Marrickville and Randwick, we often have clients coming to us with knee pain, hip…

Lets talk Hamstrings!

Lets talk Hamstrings! At Longevity in  Edgecliff, Lindfield, Marrickville and Randwick we often have clients coming to us with ACL tears, Hamstring tendinopathy, chronic low back pain and chronic hip pain. These issues can originate due to a deficit in Hamstring control, strength or mobility. The “hamstrings” refers to a group of 3 muscles on the back of your…

The importance of quadriceps – What is the VMO?

At Longevity Personal Training and Exercise Physiology Edgecliff, Lindfield, Marrickville and Randwick, we are constantly asked what are the quardicep muscles, in particular the VMO and what it’s function is. What are your quadriceps? Your quadriceps are a group of 4 muscles running down the front of your thigh. One of these muscles, the rectus…