Client Success Story: How Jane’s Polymyalgia Rheumatica was cured

Longevity Exercise Physiology Drummoyne, EdgecliffMarrickvilleBella VistaRandwickPymbleNeutral Bay and Balmain discuss an amazing client success story!

Jane* has been training at Longevity Exercise Physiology and Personal Training at Edgecliff since March 2021.

Jane is a long-time family friend of mine, and I approached her earlier this year offering to help improve her health, fitness, and lifestyle. Jane (75 y/o) had never been in a gym before, and often joked that she was “bone idle”.

Jane had been diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica in 2017 following a motor vehicle accident which also resulted in a stroke. This created a major setback in her life as her ability to do everyday tasks was diminished, she was in consistent pain, significantly increased sedentarism and lost her self-confidence.

Furthermore, being able to keep up with her grandkids was very important to her as she looks after them weekly

When we started working together, Jane set the goal that by the end of the year, she wanted to be able to attend opening night of the musical that her husband had produced (theatre producer) – and being able to walk to her seat and get up after the show and walk herself. Furthermore, being able to keep up with her grandkids was very important to her as she looks after them weekly.

When we started working together, there was a big emphasis on her lower limb strength, balance, and light upper body work. Jane was scheduled for a shoulder reconstruction one month after starting together however that didn’t stop her exercising up right until the surgery date.

Following surgery, Jane began exercising immediately – even with a sling on! She was super determined to continue improving her health. She continued to train twice a week and has had some amazing achievements.

“I can’t believe how good exercise makes me feel”.

Some notable achievements:

  • Walking from her house to Bondi beach for the first time in 2 years
  • Able to sit up and down from a chair with ease
  • Ability to tie back her hair and wear clothes she couldn’t before (due to increases in shoulder range of motion)
  • Being cleared of Polymyalgia Rheumatica
  • Losing 12kg
  • Being pain free for the first time in 4 years

“I have my confidence back”

Jane is continuing to complete her two sessions per week and has described this newfound love for exercise as a “choice for life”.

If you or someone you know would benefit from exercise physiology, please contact Longevity Exercise Physiology and Personal Training on 1300 002 964. We want to help!

*Name changed for privacy

Written by Guy Beynon

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