Our Best Strategies to Keep Active

Today Longevity Exercise Physiology Drummoyne, EdgecliffMarrickvilleBella VistaRandwickPymbleNeutral Bay and Balmain will discuss a variety of strategies that you may implement to keep active during this lockdown period.

As Exercise Physiologists, we believe that movement is medicine, both for physical and mental health

Why is it important to be keeping active during this period?

As Exercise Physiologists, we believe that movement is medicine, both for physical and mental health. Unfortunately, with the current circumstances, outlets such as gyms and exercise facilities are closed; leaving some individuals hindered in their ability to perform exercise or understand exercise alternatives that can be performed to achieve similar outcomes.

Physical health may be defined differently between patient to patient, that may be physical function, quality of life, rehabilitation of a particular joint or muscle group, our aesthetic appearance etc. Regardless of the desired outcome, with the lack of movement and overall stimulus experienced, may result in reduced strength, joint range, increased sensory actions (pain) and potential loss of gained physiological improvements.

Mental health, for many of our patients – seems to be a facet of holistic health that has experienced a significant blow during this time. That may be from now having to work from home, whilst aiding with home schooling of children, being unable to see family and friends, unable to attend or participate in leisure activities (sporting teams), it all ADDS UP. For some, exercise is a means to an end, used to completely focus on you for designated period of time, social aspects and many more.

Undertaking any form of exercise is strongly recommended from the Longevity Exercise Physiology team, during this time and all year round. Exercise is heavily associated with mental health and has been proven to improve mood, mental state and depressive/anxious tendencies.

What are some strategies that can be used during this time?

  • Speak to your Exercise Physiologist, Exercise Scientist or Personal Trainer; alternatives can be devised to allow you to complete exercise, with your goals still at the centre of our concern.
  • Outdoor Exercise sessions
  • Home-Visits
  • Telehealth
  • Exercise prescription can be designed and tailored to the equipment (if any) that you have at your disposal
  • Varied exercise modalities may be used to provide varied stimulus
  • Alter repetition tempo
  • Timed Circuit based
  • Achieving a daily step count


A tailored and specific exercise program that is designed based from both subjective and objective information gathered in an initial consultation.

  • Provide strategies and guidance that can be implemented into daily routine
  • Assist with goal setting
  • Education of physiological responses to exercise stimulus

If you or anyone you know would benefit from exercise during this time, give us a call on 1300 964 002.

Written by Kale Barton-Bissaker

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