Renewing your Private Health and EPC’s in 2022

The Longevity Exercise Physiology and Personal Training team in Drummoyne, EdgecliffMarrickvilleBella VistaRandwickLindfieldBalmain and Neutral Bay want to let you know that you may be eligible for up to 5 Medicare rebated EP sessions in 2022!

If you have a chronic health condition (lasting for more than 3 months), please have a chat with your GP to check if you are eligible to receive up to 5 sessions where you will receive part of the session rebated back to you.

If you have already received a GPMP or TCA where you can use these sessions, please also chat to your GP if you are ready to receive them again in 2022.

In addition, private health rebates will also reset for the New Year. Exercise Physiology falls under Allied Health, and you may be able to claim depending on the policy with your private health fund.

Seeing an Exercise Physiologist is an essential part of your health management and exercise can be used to treat so many chronic conditions effectively, often to the same extent or even more effectively than medication can.

If you have any further questions, please contact one of our EP’s directly on 1300 964 002.

Written by Luke Dorizas


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