
Hip Extension 2: Nicola and Laura Challenge You to Try This Exercise

Recently, our Exercise Physiologist James Davis and Longevity Founder Jarrat Wood described how the extension of the hip is the foundational movement for all basic athletic activity: running, jumping and lifting. You can view the original video here: In this video, Exercise Physiologist Laura Long and Personal Trainer Nicola Vrachnas…
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Shoulder Position Training for Overhead Lifting, Pressing and Pull Ups

In this video we answer the question of: “what is the best pre-workout exercise to prepare my shoulders for overhead lifting, pressing and pull ups?” Longevity exercise physiologist James Davis and Founder Jarrat Wood demonstrate good shoulder positioning in this ‘prehab’ exercise to help prevent and manage healthy shoulders for overhead pressing…
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National Exercise Right Week at Longevity Edgecliff and Lindfield

EXERCISE RIGHT WEEK 22nd – 28th MAY 2017  ESSA ( has put together a national awareness campaign for the 3rd year running. The focus of this year’s campaign is “Who’s your match? – Getting to know your expert of exercise”. Here at Longevity we have embraced Exercise Right Week ( to promote awareness…
Read full article National Exercise Right Week at Longevity Edgecliff and Lindfield