Exercise and Nutrition
Got enough energy? Daily eating patterns are important because they help us to build the body we need to complete our desired task. Whether it is competition sports, playing with friends, kids or grandkids, training at the gym, or simply undertaking our daily tasks, the major role of the daily…
Prevention or Cure?
No matter why you are exercising there are two categories that you probably fall in – Prevention or Cure. Cures Cures are a little more simple and a little more easy to understand. Cures are clear. E.g. I suffer from “x” and I want to be “y”. I exercise in…
Achieve Maximum Physical Results with Less Time
Most of us lead very busy lifestyles. Work, family and life commitments all too often leave us short on time to complete all the things we want to achieve on a daily or weekly basis, especially with the desire to achieve maximum physical results. Some of you may find yourself…
Leading a Balanced Lifestyle
Feeling tired? Overworked? Uninspired, unhealthy, complacent, or ‘stuck in a rut’? If you have answered yes to one or more of these, there’s a big chance that you are NOT leading a balanced lifestyle, and you need to make some changes! Leading a balanced lifestyle is about giving yourself the necessary…
Building Balance in Your Body
Everyone has fallen over at least once in their life. Slippery floors, uneven surfaces, in the game, bad footwear, alcohol, injuries, not paying attention, poor balance and a lack coordination can all contribute to an increased risk of taking a fall. These all trigger the importance of building balance. This is…
Functional Movement in Your Gym Routine
Humans are designed to move around. Picking things up, pulling things around, pushing, reaching, running and jumping (to name a few). But as we all know, in todays world a lot of us spend most of our time sitting in front of a computer, in a car, huddled over…
Look and Feel Great for Summer 2017
Want to look and feel great for summer? Want to train smarter? Here are seven great movements to incorporate into your workouts to ensure that you are getting the maximum benefits out of each session to help you achieve a greater quality of life and put you on the path…
Eccentric Training To Gain Lean Muscle Mass
People come to the gym for lots of different reasons; to increase our cardiovascular fitness, our flexibility and range of motion, for rehabilitation, sports training, and specific strength training. A lot of us just want to be stronger, have more muscle definition, and look good as well (I’m looking at…