Exercise options during COVID-19 – Make the most of your situation!

With the ever-changing situation in Victoria, NSW and elsewhere in Australia its easy to feel all consumed by the news, numbers, and facts. One thing that has not changed and should remain a priority of our attention in the current environment is HEALTH.

In general, staying healthy means eating well, exercising regularly, socialising and looking after our mental state which is currently critical for several reasons:

  • We all need to maintain healthy immune systems
  • High levels of stress and change mean we need to look after our mental health
  • Co-morbidities such as obesity, diabetes and Hypertension are linked to COVID-19 deaths
  • Social distancing and lockdowns have left people feeling isolated and alone

But COVID-19 restrictions and fears have meant that many people are unable to go about their normal routines and hence maintaining good health is harder than ever.

Simple things like exercise, eating fresh produce and socialising have all been made more difficult recently and for those who are self-isolating or experiencing lockdown, can almost seem impossible.

The Longevity Exercise Physiology Team are here to help! We are the COVID-19 exercise prescription experts. Let us handle the exercise side of things.

Whether you are social distancing, social isolating, in lockdown or simply adapting to a changed routine, we are here to help you maximise your designated exercise time and get back on track.

How to get the most out of your exercise session during COVID-19:

If you are in Lockdown with only 1hr outdoors/day:

What can you do?

  • Use your time wisely – high intensity interval training is a great way to get your cardio done in a shorter amount of time. try walk-jog-run for beginners or a continuous jog with sprint burst.
  • Circuit training is also very time efficient – set your self up near a park bench and get through a few rounds of exercises on your walk.
  • Check out online exercise class options

How can Longevity help you?

  • An Exercise Physiologist can help you plan your workouts for maximal efficiency 
  • Provide social contact and an enjoyable exercise option 
  • Prescribe an exercise regime to help you meet the guidelines whilst treating any ongoing heath conditions/injuries
  • Provide COVID-19 Safe options that you can do while still meeting the rules. For example, consider an online session which you can set-up at home.

If you are socially isolating:  

What can you do?

  • Make the most of any equipment you have laying around the house and get creative with household items to help you get in your resistance sessions weekly
  • Change up a walk by adding in body weight exercises along the way e.g squats, calf raise, push ups on the bench.
  • Work-out with another household member for added motivation and enjoyment

How can Longevity help you?

  • An Exercise Physiologist can find you exercise options that require minimal equipment and space.
  • Prescribe an exercise regime to help you meet the guidelines whilst treating any ongoing heath conditions/injuries
  • Provide COVID-19 Safe options that you can do while isolating. For example, consider an online session which you can set-up at home or outdoors.

If you are doing “normal” activities with socially distancing:

What can you do?

  • Gym based exercise is a great option as it allows you to train cardio and resistance (keeping you closer to the physical activity guidelines mentioned above)
  • 2 x strength and cardio sessions/ week + daily walking and mobility work.

How can Longevity help you?

  • An Exercise Physiologist can help you structure your week.
  • Prescribe an exercise regime to help you meet the guidelines whilst treating any ongoing heath conditions/injuries
  • Provide COVID-19 Safe options that maintain social distancing and good hygiene practices such as Gym-Based, Home Visits, Outdoor and Online sessions.

If you are working from home and have a “lunch hour” to use:

What can you do?

  • Check out online lunch time classes such as Yoga/Pilates
  • Instead of being bound to the lunch-hour, split up your day by squeezing in body-weight exercises amongst work tasks – e.g squats at the desk, a calf raise while you are on the phone.
  • A quick power walk around the block followed by a body weight power circuit – use steps, benches, chairs for extra exercise options

How can Longevity help you?

  • An Exercise Physiologist can find you exercise options that help you to keep mobile after sitting all day as well as strengthening the muscle groups needed for good posture.
  • Prescribe an exercise regime to help you meet the guidelines whilst treating any ongoing heath conditions/injuries
  • Provide COVID-19 Safe options that you can do whilst at home. For example, consider an online session which you can set-up within the home,back yard or on a balcony.

If normal sports or exercise activities have not resumed yet:

What can you do?

  • Gym based exercise is a great option for teenagers and adults
  • Sports-based games at the park are perfect for kids
  • Continue to work on sports specific skills such as catching, throwing, dodging
  • Train with other team-mates and practice game-like situations

How can Longevity help you?

  • An Exercise Physiologist can help you with sport specific training, drills and injury rehab.
  • We can help children by providing safe, fun exercise sessions to keep them fit and strong whilst still incorporating skills they need for sport.
  • Prescribe an exercise regime to help you meet the guidelines whilst treating any ongoing heath conditions/injuries
  • Provide COVID-19 Safe options that maintain social distancing and good hygiene practices such as Gym-Based, Home Visits, Outdoor and Online sessions.    

Longevity Exercise Physiology offer Gym-Based, Home Visits, Outdoor and Online Sessions, so whether you are Sydney based or elsewhere in Australia we can help you!

1300 964 002

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