How Longevity enjoyed their christmas break!

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break! Our Longevity team spent time with family and friends. Have a read of a few of our experiences below! We can’t wait to hear yours at your next consult with your EP!

  • Georgia

“I loved being able to go home to my parents place on the central coast and spend time with my family. First time all my siblings and I have been home for an extended period of time since lockdown!”

  • Josh

“I enjoyed catching up with family. I loved having a chance to get to the beach and my friend failing to apply sunscreen properly on my back.“

  • Ellen

“I was lucky enough to spend time with my family by the beach & helping eat Christmas leftovers! I also joined my Mum in the Bold & Beautiful swim at Manly and my sister on the road trip down the coast.”

  • Hannah

 I loved having enough time to relax with my whole family since being in lockdown and enjoying some good Christmas food! My brother also got a new puppy which might have been the highlight of the trip! I stayed active with walks around our hometown!”

How did you spend your Christmas break? Our EP’s can’t wait to hear your stories!

Written by Hannah Boardman

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