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We truly value your feedback on our services. If you are a current or previous client please take just 5mins to complete this survey to help us improve our services: click here.
Your Health is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
I watched a fantastic TED Talk during the week on Success. The crux of the message from the talk is that the biggest contributor to success across a wide variety of fields is grit: the ability to be both resilient and perseverant in your field of choice to attain the highest level of competency. You can view the full talk here.
This talk had so many parallels with my approach to health I had to blog about it here:
This week we are discussing pain; what it is, why it can persist and things you can do to help manage it. Pain is the body’s warning system and the brain makes pain when it concludes that your body tissues are in danger and you need to change what you are doing. There are…
At Longevity Exercise Physiology Penrith, we are passionate about helping individuals manage and improve their health through evidence-based exercise programs. If you are living with Diabetes or Metabolic Syndrome, exercise physiology can be a game-changer in managing blood sugar levels, reducing complications, and improving overall quality of life. How Can Exercise Help Manage Diabetes &…
The extension of the hip joint is the most critical element to creating powerful movements such as running, jumping, lifting and squatting. This is why it does not matter: whether you are 8 or 80; whether you are an athlete or novice; male or female; short or tall…. It is just as important to have…
Heart attacks are the single biggest killer of Australians each year. 54,000 Australians suffer from a heart attack each year (This equates to one every 9 minutes). This week is heart foundation heart week and below are the Warning signs of a heart attack which you can share with your patients: (You may have just…
What Is it?
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the more recent fads to sweep through the fitness industry. I say ‘fad’ because high intensity intervals have long been a staple of athletic programs for almost every sport you can imagine. The benefits are well known and well researched. High Intensity Intervals have become more popular in recent times in the fitness industry because of a growing body of evidence of the health benefits this type of training provides on top of the well established fitness benefits. One of the most impressive findings involves an increase in insulin sensitivity which is a key marker for Diabetes. This has been achieved from only a very minimal amount of HIIT.