Exercise in Pairs

With restrictions limiting exercise to two people, you might be stuck for ideas on what you are able to do with just you and an exercise buddy?

Who is your training partner? And what exercise are you currently doing with them?

Longevity Exercise Physiology Drummoyne, EdgecliffMarrickvilleBella VistaRandwickPymbleBalmain and Neutral Bay want to talk about some ideas for you and your exercise partner.

Finding a training buddy is the first step in keeping accountable for your exercise throughout the day

Who is your training partner that you rely on to get you out of the house? Is it your friend? Your parents? A sibling? A neighbour? Whomever it is, finding a training buddy is the first step in keeping accountable for your exercise throughout the day. Your exercise physiologist can be your training buddy too!

6 reasons to exercise with someone else:

  1. It’s more fun!
  2. You build new friendships
  3. You’re more likely to stick to your commitment
  4. You’re more likely to succeed in your goal
  5. You’ll work harder with someone else around
  6. Your friend may have new exercise ideas

It might be hard to think what exercises can be done with you and your buddy. You might be finding it difficult to come up with ideas on your own. Well, we have some ideas for you to change up that exercise routine.

  1. Try out boxing
  2. Try a partner circuit workout
  3. Find a new walk that neither of you have done and look at the local sites
  4. Do an online zoom session with those people whom you can’t see
  5. Book in a session with an Exercise Physiologist

Reach out to your friends and family. Organise a session outside or over zoom. It’s so important for your physical and mental health during this time, to stay active. Try something new this lockdown.

Set yourself a goal of trying one new thing this week!

Contact Longevity Personal Training and Exercise Physiology on 1300 964 002 for a training buddy during this lockdown!


Written by Annabel Bergman

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