Longevity Exercise Science event
Last Friday the Longevity teams at Drummoyne, Edgecliff, Marrickville, Bella Vista, Randwick, Pymble, Balmain, Neutral Bay gathered at our Neutral Bay location for a professional development night on all things shoulders with presentations from Andrew, Kale, Kyle and Matt.
Andrew started off the night getting us to limber up with some shoulder circles. Following this he tested our anatomical knowledge quizzing us on the muscles involved in the different movements of the shoulder blade. It was a great refresher on how the shoulder blade moves and how we should be assessing this with our clients.
Kale and Kyle continued the night with coaching on ‘vertical push’ and ‘vertical pull’ exercises. Kale facilitated discussions and instructed overhead pressing movements. These demonstrations taught us the practicality of programming these exercises for suitable clients. Working through different variations of exercises through the overhead plane, Kale talked us through the difference between certain arm positions and postures and when they are suitable to prescribe. It’s important as clinicians that we are learning these variations as the overhead push is a fundamental movement in our daily life e.g. lifting things onto shelves.
Kyle then went through the vertical pull/overhead pull movement. He delved into many variations of a Lat pull down using both arms and single arms, cables, bands and pull ups. Exploring all these options helps us find the suitable modality and position of this movement for our clients.
Learning or re-learning these components is highly valued at Longevity. We know stick to our value of ‘treat the individual and not the condition’, having these exercises demonstrated and discussed allows us to have a wide range of exercises that have the same function – so we can tailor our program to the individual in front of us.
To tie everything together, Matt ran us through a case study of a client with a specific shoulder pathology. After giving us a summary of the client’s presentation, we discussed how we would approach assessing and programming exercises for the client. Matt presented his current treatment plan with the client and highlighted the awesome progress they have made so far (well done!).
Using a real-world example allows us to put our refreshed knowledge into practice – learning what worked, what didn’t and to have 20 brains focused on the one case study to help Matt continue their progress.
These nights aren’t just about bettering ourselves as professionals – the Neutral Bay team were kind enough to provide pizzas and refreshments so that staff members from all our locations could catch up. Kudos to Matt who dipped into his knowledge of the Crust pizza menu – curating the perfect selection (well done again, Matt). The Longevity team are huge on culture, yes, we are co-workers, but we are also mates! I couldn’t think of a better place to work.
“I enjoyed learning how other team members treat similar conditions and that the Lats are a predominantly fast twitch muscle fibre muscle. It was good to refresh my knowledge of anatomical landmarks and how to train individual variants of these.”
– Josh
If you or someone you know needs help strengthening and stabilising their shoulders, give Longevity Exercise Physiology Drummoyne, Edgecliff, Marrickville, Bella Vista, Randwick, Pymble, Balmain, Neutral Bay, Coburg – Melbourne, and Barrie, Ontario – Canada on 1300 964 002 to enquire today!
Written By Grayson Kieran