Metabolic Syndrome

Our Exercise Physiologists at Longevity Edgecliff, Lindfield, Marrickville and Randwick prescribe exercise to prevent and treat a variety of different conditions. Continuing with this week’s theme of “A Healthy Heart”, the Longevity team decided to look more closely at Metabolic Syndrome, which currently affects 20-30% of Australian adults.

Unfortunately for Australian’s, metabolic syndrome (and its associated chronic conditions) is becoming more common. We are an ageing population and technological advances also mean that we are sitting more and moving less.


The condition is also afflicting an increasing number of children and adolescents as the worldwide epidemic of obesity spreads across the age groups. – Nutrition Australia


What is Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic Syndrome refers to a collection of health disorders including high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol and insulin resistance.

It is diagnosed by the presence of at least 3 of the following risk factors:

  • Central Obesity (Waist Circumference >102 cm for males and >88cm for females)
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Insulin Resistance or Type 2 Diabetes
  • High levels of LDL Cholesterol and Low levels of healthy cholesterol (HDL) in the blood
  • High Triglycerides (Fat) present in the blood


“People with metabolic syndrome have up to twice the risk of heart attack and stroke and five times the risk of developing type 2 diabetes than people without the condition.”- Health Direct Australia

How can I prevent, manage and treat Metabolic Syndrome?


In most cases Metabolic Syndrome can be attributed to genetic predisposition and poor lifestyle choices. By reducing your modifiable risk factors and making healthier choices you can greatly improve you health and therefore significantly reduce the risk of further chronic complications.

  • Stop Smoking
  • Maintain a healthy weight (reduce visceral fat)
  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet (consider the Australian Dietary Guidelines)
  • Exercise regularly (minimum of 150 mins of moderate intensity exercise/week)
  • Reduce Stress

I’ve been told I have Metabolic Syndrome, how can an Exercise Physiologist help?

Exercise is a very important tool in the management of the 5 metabolic syndrome risk factors. Firstly, exercise in combination with a healthy diet is a critical element in weight management. Exercise (a combination of Aerobic and Resistance training) has also been scientifically demonstrated to lower LDL cholesterol, lower blood pressure and improve the uptake of glucose, therefore improving blood sugar levels.

Your Exercise Physiologist will ensure that you are given the best evidence-based exercise prescription for your health conditions, treating you as an individual instead of giving you a generic program. Your program will include the types of exercise (Aerobic and Resistance), how frequently you should be completing it and at what intensity. They will also provide the support, education and advice needed to make significant, long-term lifestyle changes.

At Longevity Edgecliff, Lindfield, Marrickville and Randwick, we are gym-based and therefore have access to a wide variety of cardio and resistance machines and equipment. This means we are able to prescribe interesting, varied and effective exercise sessions that will keep you engaged, treat your conditions and help you to achieve your health goals.


Call Longevity on 1300 964 002 to enquire today.



Written by Ashleigh Mead

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