What’s Your City2Surf?

Have you ever thought about doing the City2Surf but don’t know where to start? This year,  Longevity Exercise Physiology Drummoyne, EdgecliffMarrickvilleCastle HillRandwickPymbleKingsgrove, Neutral Bay, Rhodes, Five Dock, Casey, Gungahlin and Coburg are inviting you to join us. Our Exercise Physiologists will be with you every step of the way, both on the day but also helping you prepare.

What if you can’t participate in the City2Surf?

At Longevity, we understand this might not be appropriate for everyone. We see a wide range of clients of varying ages and abilities. But why not set an alternative milestone that is meaningful to you? Our Longevity Exercise Physiologists will work with you to set your own individualised exercise goals as you stride2wards wellness with us. Whether you’re looking to be able to run your first 10km, go on that overseas holiday, or keep up with the grandkids, we are here to help. Our Longevity Exercise Physiologists are the best equiped to help you achieve your goals, no matter how big or small. 

Setting exercise goals during winter is important to stay healthy and feel good. The cold weather and shorter days can make us less active, which isn’t great for our fitness or mood. By having clear exercise goals, we stay motivated to move, avoid gaining extra weight, and strengthen our immune system. Plus, working out regularly helps fight off the winter blues by boosting our mood and energy.

At Longevity, we are constantly refining and tailoring our clients goals. Rachel, our Exercise Physiologist at Randwick, is working with her client Jane* to be able to walk her kids to school and back. Ryan at Marrickville has recently had some amazing results with his client Bob*. A few months ago, Bob couldn’t get up the stairs due to severe knee pain, now, Bob and Ryan are working on increasing the total distance he can run! Neither of these clients will be completing the City2Surf this year, but they are both working towards their own finish line in August. 

“A few months ago, Bob* couldn’t get up the stairs due to severe knee pain, now Bob and Ryan are increasing the total distance Bob can run!”

So what can you expect if you join our Longevity community?

At Longevity, all our consults are one on one and an hour in duration. This allows us to deliver individualised exercise prescription. Our Exercise Physiologists will use their expertise to set realistic goals, considering your current capacity, exercise history and desires. You will be presented with a clear strategy that will set you up for success for August and beyond! 

Call  Longevity Exercise Physiology Drummoyne, EdgecliffMarrickvilleCastle HillRandwickPymbleKingsgrove, Neutral Bay, Rhodes, Five Dock, Casey, Gungahlin and Coburg on 1300 964 002 to join our City2Surf Team today so that you can stride2wards your own wellness journey with our team! 

*Name changed for privacy reasons.

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