
What’s your City2Surf? Client Success Story

 Longevity Exercise Physiology, Drummoyne, Edgecliff, Marrickville, Castle Hill, Randwick, Pymble, Kingsgrove, Neutral Bay, and Coburg,   are very excited to have our first ever “Longevity Team” competing as part of this years City2Surf. But what about our clients who couldn’t participate?  Our Exercise Physiologists are the experts in behaviour change and goal setting. We made sure all our clients had an alternate milestone to work towards in place of the City2Surf. 

We’d like to share some success stories with you and celebrate the amazing achievements of our clients this month as part of our Stride2wardsWellness campaign. 

Annita’s* City2Surf 

At the start of Longevity’s City to Surf campaign, our Exercise Physiologist Jarred, discussed the upcoming event with long term Castle Hill client, Annita. They both decided due to the client’s complex health history and current capacity, it was not appropriate for her to participate in the event itself. Together, they  decided instead they would work towards completing the total distance of the event over the next few months. Each session, Annita would complete part of the distance of the event on the bike. These distances were added to the graphic displayed on the notice board in the gym where all clients can display their cumulative total. 

Annita has been training with Longevity Castle Hill  for over two years and has two supervised Exercise Physiology sessions per week. During her sessions, Annita completes exercises targeted at improving her cardiovascular fitness, mobility, whole body strength and power as well as her balance.

Over the last three months, Annita has completed the total distance of the city to surf more than twice over! 

Annita loves training with Longevity because of the personalised exercise prescription and care taken by the multiple Exercise Physiologists  she works with at Castle Hill. Annita has always felt listened too and looked after, and knows that our Exercise Physiologists will always be there to help her achieve the next milestone in her health and fitness journey. 

Ben’s* City2Surf 

Ben has been training with our Exercise Physiologist Georgia for three years now. Initially Ben was working towards running the City2Surf this August. Unfortunately, Ben suffered a knee injury in late April while riding his motorbike. This meant Georgia had to rethink Ben’s strategy and come up with a new goal, as 3months was not going to give Ben and Georgia enough time to build back up to running the full race distance. 

Instead of running the City2Surf, Ben and Georgia decided that by City2Surf week, they wanted Ben to be back running, not lose fitness and continue to improve his strength. Ben continued with his supervised sessions with Georgia once a week. In these sessions, Ben progressed through a series of cardiovascular protocols on the bike, allowing Ben to continue to work on his cardiovascular fitness while he took a break from running. Ben and Georgia continued to increase the load he could tolerate through his knee with progressive resistance training, as well as challenging his upper body strength through a variety of strength training protocols. 

Fast forward three months and we have arrived at City2Surf week.

Ben isn’t racing, but he is back running. We completed a submax treadmill test and amazingly Ben was able to reach the same stage as he did pre injury. Ben also had some fantastic improvement in his whole body strength. Ben improved his 1 repetition max deadlift by 15kg to 125kg, and his bench press by 5kg to 55kg.

As a 67yo male who wasn’t even running before he started sessions with Georgia, Ben is thrilled with his progress. Under our Exercise Physiologists guidance, Ben was able to still see improvements in his health and fitness even while he was rehabilitating an injury. This is what Ben love’s about his sessions with Georgia, every week he feels like he has achieved a new milestone.

Ben still see’s Georgia once a week, and has already started talking about running the City2Surf with the Longevity team next year!

Well done to all our clients who have achieved some amazing results this month as a part of our Stride2wardsWellness campaign.

Call Longevity today  on 1300 964 002 to speak to one of our Exercise Physiologists and find out how we can help you achieve your next fitness milestone.

*name changed for privacy reasons.

Written By Georgia Wassall

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