Work Cover services at Longevity Edgecliff

All of our Exercise Physiologists at Longevity Exercise Physiology Edgecliff are SIRA approved Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) and can effectively help you to treat workplace injuries.

SIRA (State Insurance Regulatory Authority) regulates insurance schemes in NSW including Workers Compensation and Motor Accidents Compulsory Third Party (CTP).

How can we help you?

As Exercise Physiologists, we prescribe functional exercise for the purpose of increasing a worker’s capacity for employment. We also provide guidance to assist workers transition to a self-managed exercise program long term.

During our sessions, we complete a comprehensive initial assessment and detailed Allied Health Recovery Requests specific to your presentation and develop shared goals and recovery expectations.

In addition, we will have ongoing correspondence with the insurer, Nominated Treating Doctor (NTD) and all other Allied Health Professionals involved.


“As Exercise Physiologists, we prescribe functional exercise for the purpose of increasing a worker’s capacity for employment.”


Goals of our exercise sessions

Together, we will develop specific, personalised workplace specific goals to help:

  1. Return you to pre-injury capacity and/or full work duties after sustaining an injury at work or being involved in a motor vehicle accident
  2. To get you back to full capacity as quickly as possible


“Our AEPs will correspond with you, your insurer, treating doctors and other allied health providers throughout your treatment process.”


When to refer?
  • When you require a structured, individualised exercise program to build workers capacity and help you return to pre-injury duties
  • Post an injury, following, or in adjunct with another Allied Health service e.g. Physiotherapy
How to get started?

Call Longevity Exercise Physiology Edgecliff on 1300 964 002 for one of our AEPs to discuss how we can help you today!

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