Yogetch Class at Longevity


Longevity Yogetch Class at Regenesis

Yogetch classes with Personal Trainer Nicola Vrachnas are continuing at Regenesis. This class is run at 9am on Wednesdays. It includes a unique blend of yoga style and traditional stretching techniques. Yogetch is an excellent complementary class to any cardiovascular or strength program.

Yogetch also includes an attention to areas requiring rehabilitation or remedial exercise prescription. Nicola brings an atmosphere of relaxation and calm, incorporating breathing techniques with complex positioning and body control. This class caters for all levels.

Email info@longevitypt.com.au to register for a free trial.

Yogetch class runs at 9am on Wednesdays.

Email info@longevitypt.com.au or call 1300 964 002 for more information.

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