Cancer Treatment and Recovery: Exercise and the Role of Allied Health Professionals

At Longevity Exercise Physiology, we provide exercise as a form of treatment for a wide range of acute and chronic health conditions, including cancer.

Exercise can be prescribed during cancer treatment to not only improve treatment outcomes but also help with the management of common side-effects and to improve quality of life.

We often work very closely with the patient’s established network of health professionals and treatment providers in order to prescribe a safe, individualised exercise treatment plan.

In today’s blog, our Accredited Exercise Physiologist Ashleigh teams up with Orsi Kokai, a specialist cancer rehabilitation Physiotherapist from Oncology Recovery Services Inc. (ORSI) to examine the role of allied health professionals, in particular the benefits of exercise and physiotherapy, in optimising health outcomes for cancer patients.

Types of Cancer Treatment

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Hormone Therapy
  • Surgery

Common Experiences and Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatment side-effects can be experienced both acutely during treatment and in the months-years that follow. Chronic or long-term side-effects can lead to loss of function, difficulty completing activities of daily living and a reduced quality of life.

Side effects include:

  • Fatigue
  • Lymphoedema
  • Functional limitations
  • Postural changes
  • Muscle weakness
  • Overall deconditioning
  • Excess weight gain or loss
  • Pain
  • Peripheral neuropathy (loss of sensation)
  • Reduced Bone Mass
  • Body Composition Changes
  • Nausea and Bowel Changes
  • Loss of Cardiorespiratory function/fitness
  • Anxiety and Depression

Some of these side-effects can be extremely debilitating, with consequences such as reduction in normal leisure activities and an increase in sedentary behaviour. Without intervention these negative lifestyle changes can lead to an increased risk of chronic disease, poor mental health and further disability.

How Can Physiotherapy Help?

A specialist oncology physiotherapist can assist with the detection and management of the physical side-effects of cancer treatment. One of the most common side effects of cancer treatment, especially in the breast cancer population, is lymphoedema. Lymphoedema is a potentially chronic condition characterised by excess swelling of the body part affected by cancer treatment. Patients who have undergone removal of lymph nodes and radiation therapy are at a higher risk of developing this secondary condition. A specialist physiotherapist can assess, diagnose, and treat lymphoedema, as well as advise on self-management strategies to prevent the possible progression of the disease.

Applying specific hands-on techniques, a physiotherapist can reduce scar, soft tissue, and muscle tightness, decrease radiation fibrosis, and enhance lymphatic flow. Furthermore, the prescription of appropriate exercises by an oncology physiotherapist can reduce physical limitations, facilitate confidence in movement, improve strength, and positively impact on posture and the activities of daily living.

A close collaboration with an exercise physiologist, can ensure the gradual and safe progression of an exercise regime that is individually tailored to the recovering patient’s needs.

How Can an Exercise Physiologist Help?

As per the current position stand referenced above, Exercise Physiologists play an important role in assisting with the safe delivery of exercise during and after cancer treatment.

An Exercise Physiologist will:

  • Perform an assessment to determine your current capacity and readiness for exercise
  • Consider side-effects, other health conditions/co-morbidities
  • Help set appropriate health-based goals
  • Prescribe a safe, appropriate, and individualised exercise session which considers time, type, frequency, and intensity of activity.
  • Help you implement a holistic exercise program that includes mobility exercises, resistance exercises, weight-bearing movements, cardiorespiratory training, balance training and specific rehab. exercises







Exercise During and After Cancer Treatment: What Does the Science Say?

There is extensive scientific research on the benefits of exercise during and after cancer treatment.

In 2019 Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) published a position stand entitled “The Exercise and Sports Science Australia position statement: Exercise medicine in cancer management.”

This position statement looked at the collection of resources/studies and evidence on this topic to reach a most accurate and current best practice recommendation.

The ESSA position stand refers to a study by Fuller J.T., Hartland M.C., Maloney L.T. et al. entitled “Therapeutic effects of aerobic and resistance exercises for cancer survivors: a systematic review of meta-analyses of clinical trials” which reported that “140 meta-analyses have been published to date, with the majority (75%) showing statistically significant and clinically relevant benefit through exercise on a range of treatment-related side effects, physical, functional, and psychosocial outcomes.”

There is now also emerging positive trial evidence for the benefit of exercise on specific side effects including:  lymphoedema, sleep quality, peripheral neuropathy, sarcopenia (muscle loss), bone health and metabolic syndrome.

As well as helping in the management of side-effects, there is overwhelming existing evidence and guidelines (Australian Physical Activity Guidelines) supporting the benefits of exercise for improved physical and mental health.

In summary, the evidence is in favour of exercise prescription for cancer patients, however, the current guidelines emphasise the importance of a gradual, individualised approach and recommend the support/guidance of exercise health professionals.


Further Reading/Resources

The Exercise and Sports Science Australia position statement: Exercise medicine in cancer management – May 2019

Australian Association for Exercise and Sport Science position stand: Optimising cancer outcomes through exercise – 2009

Australian Lymphology Association position paper: Early detection of breast cancer-related lymphoedema -2019


Written by Ashleigh Mead

Ashleigh is an Exercise Physiologist with experience in providing gym-based, home and outdoor exercise sessions for individuals currently receiving cancer treatment and those who are in recovery post-treatment.

“I believe in holistic and collaborative treatment plans for my patients/clients. I am passionate about using exercise as not only a treatment modality to improve physical health outcomes but as an outlet that also allows for positive interactions, conversation, and ultimately improved quality of life.”

My contact details are:

Longevity Exercise Physiology 1300 964 002


Written by Orsi Kokai

Orsi Kokai is a cancer rehabilitation physiotherapist with over 15 years of experience in treating cancer patients. The team in her well-established, multidisciplinary clinic assists patients in all stages of their cancer treatment in a caring and supportive environment.

For more information please visit our website: or call 8018 8240

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