A Mother’s perspective on exercise importance and prioritising their own health

Parents, I want you to think of the last time you put yourself first. It’s time for you to put yourself first.

We understand that your life completely changes when you have kids. Your time seems to vanish, your energy is devoted to caring for your kids and you slip down on your own priority list. Now ask yourself these questions:


Are you truly able to be your best self if you haven’t made your health a priority?

Are you able to keep up and play with your kids?

Are your energy levels low all the time?

Will you be alive to see your kids get married?

Take action now.


Does all of this sound overwhelming and stressful?

 Longevity’s Exercise Physiologists (EP) understand this and we are here to use our professional knowledge to teach you how to exercise as a parent. We specialise in time management and finding the right type of exercise to suit your schedule. 

Today, we chat to our Pymble team leader Susannah, about her experience with becoming a parent and how making her health a priority has helped herself & her family.


How many kids do you have Susannah?

2 kids (note: does a dog and husband count too?)

What happened to your time and schedule when you became a parent?

Time became much more precious, less time to ‘second guess’ yourself on things you just must action more things. Go with your gut on the first instinct. Schedule – all out of whack. You need to be flexible, be able to be able to drop everything in a second (yes this can make you feel disappointed when not being able to work out). So, if you had planned to exercise, or do something for yourself and something with the kids come up you often need to put that on the back burner. 

What effect did this have on your health?

Less active in terms of getting to the gym and doing structured workouts, but more incidentally active as you are constantly on your feet chasing them around (once you are past the newborn stage where they are just a little potato) and then cleaning up around the house when they are sleeping etc. and that feeling like you never stop to sit at all throughout the day. Definite toll on mental wellbeing as well in so many aspects, but the main thing being you can easily forget how good those endorphins and feel-good hormones are when you go out for a walk, or actually get to do your workout are.


So, when you made your health and exercise a priority, what changes did you see?

It makes me a better person, a better mum for my kids, a better wife, a better friend, a better employee/teammate as I feel less anxious, calmer and happier within myself. 

To all the other parents out there, how can an Exercise Physiologist help them?

Well, being an EP I know all the things I need to be doing and am trying to practice what I preach. But I also have had to let the standards go of what is a good workout and be happy with squeezing in any kind of movement as often that is the only chance you get to get those feel-good hormones that day. But also, I know having babies, and young kids is a ‘season’ and yes they are so dependent on their parents at this stage of life but eventually they will be more independent and won’t need me as much – therefore easier in some respects to prioritise me. I am lucky to be surrounded by such great teammates and inspiration all day so it’s a constant reminder that I can do better and strive higher.


Whether you are a new parent or a parent with adult kids – a Longevity Exercise Physiologist will be able to help you prioritise your health and be the best parent you can be. Both for yourself and for your kids.


For all parents who join Longevity in February 2023 we would like to offer you 50% off your initial consult.

Click HERE to make your online booking today or call Longevity Exercise Physiology on 1300 964 002 to enquire today! 


Written by Grayson Keiran


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