Andrew Verdon

Andrew Verdon

Exercise Scientist


Andrew is one of our most experienced team members with 25 years full time in the elite sports, exercise and fitness industry.  He was the owner of the Neutral Bay studio location for 19 years, prior to joining the Longevity team.

Andrew has been directly involved in preparing athletes for 5 Olympic Games and was support staff for 3 Olympic Games with the Australian Team. He was directly involved in the preparation and programs of athletes who have won 25 World Championship medals and 9 Olympic medals- 6 of which were Gold medallists, 3 Silver.

He completed 12 years with the Australian Institute of Sport as an external contractor, developing into the National Coordinator for Physical Preparation as well as Senior Strength Coach – and completing His Master’s Degree in this period.

This experience has shaped Andrews’ focussed and high quality approach – and specifically designed to Improve your Performance!

Wether this be for sport, for life, for health or for your well-being. No matter what you’re current level we can improve it.

How can he help?
Injury prevention and recovery
Post surgery strength rehabilitation programs
Personal Training programs esp to build strength, improve posture and mobility
Gym or home program design and supervision/revision
Sports specific Strength and Conditioning esp endurance sports and masters athletes
Liaise closely with other Allied Health Practitioners eg physio, osteo, chiro
Link into referral network for specific support eg dietitian, psychology, GP etc


Masters in Applied Science
School of Human Movement
University of Queensland
B.Comm (Acc/Law)
ASCA strength coach level 2
Graduate Diploma Sports Coaching UQ
Diploma of Fitness (Cert 4)


Neutral Bay

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