Callan Pratt

Callan Pratt

Accredited Exercise Physiologist


I have always had a passion for sport and exercise from a very young age, with backgrounds in AFL, soccer and cricket. In more recent years I found a love for strength training in the gym which has helped me get faster and stronger for football and given me a great base to go off for my new hobbies such as golf and bouldering. I really enjoy finding ways to get better for things outside of the gym by using strength training and now educating others on how to do the same.

This passion for sports and exercise is what pushed me to become an Exercise Physiologist. I completed my degree at the University of Sydney, with placements in the public mental health sector as well as a 6-week rural placement in Lismore at a student run clinic. Seeing so many different people who exercise helped in so many different ways was inspiring and now I thrive to help as many people as possible using my exercise knowledge from personal and professional experience, to achieve goals some might have not even though possible.


Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Phiosology) – USYD
ESSA Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Exercise Scientist
Certificate 3 and 4 in fitness
WorkCover NSW approved
DVA registered provider
NDIS registered provider



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