City2Surf Wrap 2015

In alphabetical order here are our runners and their performances:


Dustin: Easily the most improved from 2014. Dustin knocked 13mins off his time for last year and almost made it under the magical 60min barrier. It’s a great result for someone who really put the work in and prepared well. It’s amazing the difference it can make it with a proper preparation and a little bit of experience. It’s a good lesson for everyone for next year. 60mins 34secs was the official time and we’re shooting for 55mins next year!


Mark: Mark is slowly getting the bug back for running and competing. He is a great natural runner and with only a short preparation completed a 68min run. There is so much potential for bigger and better things over the next 12 months and I can’t wait to work together some more.


Matt: Backing up from supporting the Wallabies the night before it was great to see Matt have a crack and really set a good pace early in the race based on his splits. He ran 77mins overall but after a disrupted year (including a fractured foot) and a really tricky preparation, the main thing was enjoying it and proving to himself that 65mins is a definite target with a better preparation. There is still untapped potential but Matt’s attitude always focuses on the positive – and at least he played his part in getting the Wallabies home!


Nigel: Nigel was once again the fastest performer with a time of 59mins 55secs. Devastatingly, this was only 2seconds shy of his PB which he recorded in last year’s race. The time was made all that more frustrating (and humorous) when Nigel let me know that he had paused for a couple of seconds to pick up a $20 note early in the race. Oh, the agony! Haha.


Rachel: As a newcomer to the race, Rachel was fairly nervous about even taking on the event but her rapid improvement over the previous few months probably buoyed her confidence enough to take up the challenge. I would have to give Rachel the nod as the best performer on the day – to run 78mins in your first City2Surf is a terrific achievement and with only a few months preparation too! Well done, and I’m looking forward to the next challenge.


Sophie: At 15, 14kms can be pretty daunting. What an amazing result to have not only the confidence but also the stamina to keep at it over the whole distance in your first City2Surf. It is such a tremendous reward to see someone so young improving rapidly and growing both physically and mentally as a result. 1hr 56mins was the final time and she finished in the top half of her category – brilliant!


Talia: What a sneak! Under the radar is that appropriate description, as we were of the belief that Talia was just going to be walking the event. To our surprise, not only did she not walk, she ran the whole way!1hr 40mins and also in the top 50% of runners in her category – not bad for your first attempt at running the distance. I love it when you a client can do something that they never thought they could do for the first time. But once you know you can, why wouldn’t you?!?!


Tom: Self-reporting that it wasn’t his best run and that he never quite loosened up, Tom still recorded a great time of 63mins. I bet there are plenty of people who wish they could run 63mins on a good day, let alone a bad one. The result was all the more impressive given the self-titled “champagne campaign” in July due to his recent engagement. A top effort Tom, and I’m sure you’ll be back to take it on again.


Congratulations to everyone, it’s a pleasure working with you all and helping you achieve great things that allow you to enjoy events like the City2Surf so much!


If you, or any of your friends are interested in getting into running but aren’t sure how, we’re currently running a promotion for all referrals for running training. If you recommend us to a friend or family member, you receive a session for free and so does your friend! Email us at to find out more details.

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