Longevity Career Acceleration Night: Navigating the Transition from University to Professional Life!

Final assessments handed in, student amenities fees paid, date booked for graduation. Time to look for opportunities to use all that information and get paid for it!

But where do you start?

On Thursday the 20th of June from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, Longevity Exercise Physiology is overjoyed to provide students Exercise Physiologists with the guidance they need. We want to help bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the workforce with our Longevity Career Acceleration Night!

This night is aimed at anyone who is within 2 years of finishing their Exercise Physiology degree. It will be of great benefit to those focused on navigating the transition from university to professional life and will feature presentations from four members of the Longevity Exercise Physiology team, including:

Jarrat Wood: Director of Longevity Exercise Physiology.

Jarrat will delve into the details surrounding your transition into the workforce. He will offer advice and tips on how to set yourself apart from the rest of the cohort and impress business owners to secure your space in the workplace of your choice. What do employers want to see? How should you approach them? Jarrat will provide many more tips and tricks to add to your job search toolkit.

Georgia Wassall: Senior Exercise Physiologist and Client Experience/ Marketing Manager

Georgia will speak about career progression within the Exercise Physiology field. She will share her experiences and career path as part of the Longevity Exercise Physiology team. Why and how has her career transitioned from seeing clients on a daily basis, to leading a team, and now stepping back from hands-on work and working more closely with our Longevity Exercise Physiologists. 

Andrew Verdon: Senior Exercise Scientist and Client Retention Expert.

Andrew, one of the longest-standing members of the Longevity Exercise Physiology team, has been a part of the growth, success, and high standard of care at Longevity. He will discuss different career opportunities within the field and share lessons he has learned along his journey both before and during his time with Longevity. Success leaves clues. Andrew’s wealth of knowledge and experience is a well of information ready to be drawn from for YOUR benefit!

Liam Goehring: New Grad Exercise Physiologist (Class of 2023).

As one of the new-grad members of the Longevity Exercise Physiology team and the 2IC for Student Relations between Longevity and universities across Australia, Liam started with the company in June 2023. He has recently experienced finishing a degree and finding a company that matches his values and career aspirations. Liam will discuss the important next steps after graduating and share useful tips and tricks to make the transition as seamless as possible. If you have any questions about your transition from student to employee, feel free to ask him and gather as much knowledge as possible to make your journey easier.

Secure your spot now an email an expression of interest to joinourteam@longevitypt.com.au

Longevity is looking forward to welcoming you to this amazing opportunity for knowledge and advice. We look forward to seeing you over Zoom for this event.

Written by: Liam Goehring (Exercise Physiologist)

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