Longevity Lockdown Readiness Plan

Video and Telehealth Consultations are now our primary service offering

The COVID-19 Pandemic has swept the globe in a way that almost no-one could have predicted. Our Exercise Physiology and Personal Training Services have been dramatically affected by the Pandemic and by the new Government Regulations. As of Monday, 23rd March at 12pm we no longer have home bases to work from with our 5 gym-based locations all closed (Regenesis Fitness in Edgecliff, Hive Active in Lindfield, Gym 115 in Randwick, @Rubens in Marrickville and Plus Fitness in Drummoyne) and like many of the members of our community we have been left to try and put together a plan without notice to continue to support Private, Medicare, SIRA/ Workcover, NDIS and DVA Clients and Patients. We have temporarily secured access to an indoor clinic thanks to our friends at Bay Active Physio in Double Bay.

At this point, I have to acknowledge the work of our staff in the past week who have been tremendous in creating safe and flexible exercise solutions for everyone with no notice. I’m sure that all of our loyal clients will agree that the Longevity Exercise Physiologists have been tremendous in their efforts this week and they have all worked around the clock to keep services running and to make sure every person in their care has a workable solution for their exercise needs. Thank you Angela, Daniel, Dylan, Courtney, Mitchell and Ashleigh.

We know it is for the greater good that gyms have closed but our hearts go out to the gym owners and gym staff who have been left without an income with 12hrs notice and with whom we work very closely. We will support these businesses as best we can to ensure that we have a home to come back to. We wish them and their families well to make it through these challenging times. Many of the gyms are offering the hire of equipment and if you would like to, please do so as it will assist them in at least having some income during this turbulent time.

I have directed all Longevity staff to maintain twice weekly contact with all clients and patients regardless of appointments and bookings particularly for those already in self-isolation. Our hope is to continue to support our community and make sure everyone is informed, healthy and safe. You can also pick up the phone and call us at anytime. We expect that social isolation will have its own devastating affects on people and we are here to answer the phone for you at all times. Please see staff phone contacts below.


The purpose of today’s blog is to anticipate that in the near future that all of us will be in lockdown or at least in some form of self-isolation for an extended period. For that reason we have now revamped our business model to become an example to everyone in our industry and become the leaders in Exercise Physiology and Personal Training Services online. So, the question we want to help you answer today is:

Are you Longevity Lockdown Ready?!

We know from talking to everyone this week that your lives have been thrown into turmoil. We hear you and we know that everyone is making adjustments as best they can. Our goal is to make sure that you have a healthy exercise strategy for any form of lockdown for any period of time and we want to help you prepare for it now.

It is important to note that the Government is making Telehealth and video consultation services easier than ever. Please note:

  • Our SIRA/Workcover Services are already approved for Telehealth consultations;
  • Our Medicare Services are already approved for Telehealth consultations
  • Our NDIS Services are already approved for Telehealth and Video consultations;
  • Private consultations for Private Health Rebates have been approved for Physiotherapists today and we know our governing body is lobbying for Private Health Rebates for Telehealth for Exercise Physiology Services. We expect an announcement on this very soon.


Check out more about Physitrack Telehealth and how to get ready to use it HERE

Exercise Right, An Australian Exercise Website, explain more on Telehealth and are providing great updates and home exercise support, read more HERE

Latest Government COVID-19 alerts HERE

ESSA, the governing body for Exercise Scientists and Exercise Physiologists in Australia are also doing their bit to promote Telehealth, read more HERE


We will be offering a FREE 15min strategy sessions to make sure that EVERYONE has a


This will involve:

  • Downloading the appropriate app to your device to receive Telehealth and/or Physitrack consultations from your Exercise Physiologist or Personal Trainer
  • Set up of video and microphone to ensure you are able to be supervised appropriately for your exercise routine and view demonstrations from your Exercise Physiologist or Personal Trainer
  • A practice run to have a full understanding of how the system will work
  • Discussion on what equipment you already have or may need to to be able to complete your exercises at home
  • Putting you in contact with suppliers and gyms to purchase the materials or arranging delivery to your door.









At the time of writing (Thursday 26th March, 2019) we are still able to offer outdoor, home visit and clinic-based indoor training in a safe and hygienic way following all Government and Industry Guidelines.

BUT we want to be ready for the next stages and we want you to be ready too. We are all in this together. Let’s get ourselves ready to stay at home, stay safe and stay healthy with exercise so that we can help flatten the curve, limit the burden on our hospital system and get through these lockdown measures in the safest and healthiest way possible.


To book in your FREE Lockdown Strategy Session please contact:


  • Head Home Office and Director Jarrat Wood – 1300 964 002 Email: jarrat@longevitypt.com.au
  • Angela Vitucci – 0405 344 221 Email – angela@longevitypt.com.au
  • Daniel Elias Arciuli – 0409 990 604 Email – daniel@longevitypt.com.au
  • Ashleigh Mead – 0433 754 478, Email – ashleigh@longevitypt.com.au
  • Mitchell Hooper – 0450 919 952 Email – mitchell@longevitypt.com.au
  • Dylan Furey- 0418 673 438 Email – dylan@longevitypt.com.au
  • Courtney Maher- 0422 641 182 Email – courtney@longevitypt.com.au



We want to thank you for your support in what has been an extremely challenging week in business,


Your Online Exercise Physiology and Personal Training Experts,

Jarrat and the Longevity Team




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