N.E.A.T is N-E-A-T

Longevity Exercise Physiology at Edgecliff, Lindfield, Marrickville and Randwick encourage everyone to move more, increasing their NEAT for better health outcomes.

Last week’s blog we gave you the Physical Activity Guidelines. Did you meet the guidelines? Furthermore NEAT will help you to expend more energy.

What is NEAT?
Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis

Thermogenesis is the process of using fuel storage in your body for energy, therefore NEAT is anything you do (outside of structured exercise) that increases the rate at which your body will consume fuel stores. This includes everything from carrying groceries, cleaning the house, standing instead of sitting down, to the fidgeting you do at the dinner table. In the simplest terms, NEAT increases your energy output which contributes significantly to weight loss and long-term weight management.


Does it really matter?

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy your body requires to carry out every cellular process required to survive while you are at complete rest; on your back, lying down, completely still in a room that is a comfortable temperature. On top of your BMR you have the energy cost of physical activity, which includes your structured exercise at the gym, walking the dog, yoga, and any other form of activity you choose to undertake. The final piece to the puzzle is your NEAT, which can contribute up to 2000 calories per day! To put this into the context of weight loss, this can equate to 4 pounds per week. This is obviously on the very high end of what is possible, for example a farmer checking his barns and tending to his animals, but it is very powerful to consider the possibility of increasing expenditure without significant change to your life.


Diets might not be so NEAT

If energy is in abundance (you eat more than you consciously expend), you will subconsciously move more. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true; As you eat less, you tend to move less, dropping your NEAT thereby requiring you to eat less and less (an obvious losing battle in the long run). This is part of the complex reason to why many people diet long term, never achieving/maintaining their perceived ideal weight. Thus, it is important to consciously continue to do the small activities throughout the day to complement your exercise routine.


How can you increase your NEAT?

  • Take regular breaks at work to move around, use the bathroom or collaborate with coworkers
  • Sit on an exercise ball or stand while watching TV
  • Allow yourself to wiggle your legs and feet while relaxing at home
  • Make a point to clean 1 room of the house per day
  • Create “busy work” to replace sedentary time at home

Here you can see how Longevity team member Mitchell likes to increase his NEAT:

Contact the team at Longevity Exercise Physiology on 1300 964 002 to help you increase your NEAT and help improve your quality of life. Located in Edgecliff, Lindfield, Marrickville and Randwick.

Written by Mitchell Hooper.

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