You ARE ready to exercise at home, you just don’t know it yet….

Let the Longevity Exercise Physiology Team help you to overcome your barriers so that you can start moving more at home!

With more and more of us spending extended periods of time inside, the need for movement and structured exercise is increasing. With this comes the need for viable exercise alternatives to the gym and/or our normal outdoor routines. Many people have turned to a home exercise plan and have even gone out and bought some new equipment. However, a lot of people are unsure of how they can make home exercise effective or are generally just not sure where to begin.

Today’s blog breaks down a few steps that you can take in order to get yourself set up and ready to start exercising from home. Whether you are thinking of exercising independently, with your family, via an online class, Telehealth with your Exercise Physiologist or just getting started for the first time, these tips will ensure you are prepared.

Finding a Space

You don’t need a large space in order to get moving and feel the benefits of exercise. As long as you can move your arms around and can take a step forwards/backwards/sideways without bumping into anything you will be able to get started.

Setting up a “base” can be a good idea as this means that this space will be associated with exercise and have everything ready to go when it is time.  For example, you might create a space in your study, spare room, garage or backyard where you complete your workouts.

However, it is also good to have multiple options and variety. Look around your house and backyard. There could be other useful spaces/objects that you have never considered that could help add variation, difficulty or volume to your routine.

For example, Household/Garden places such as steps, trees, beams, blank walls, chairs, tables and benches can all make great accessories to your exercise routine or be used to enhance the use of equipment that you already have.  Ask your Exercise Physiologist about how to incorporate these and maximise your use of space.

Also consider lighting, air flow and the temperature of your chosen space and how these might change from day/night. The more comfortable you are, the easier it will be to complete your workout and stick to your goals


Many of us have multiple pieces of equipment laying around the home or in storage such as:

  • Dumbbells
  • Kettle bells
  • Therabands/Power bands
  • A Swiss Ball
  • Bike/treadmill etc
  • Balance disc
  • Medicine ball

Some of these may or may not be suitable for your ability/needs. Its best to talk to your Exercise Physiologist, let them know what you have/or are thinking of buying and let them help you make choices that will ensure your workout is safe, yet effective.

Your Exercise Physiologist can even help you get creative with household items for extra options and variety. They can suggest other alternatives to weights – items you probably already have.

While Equipment is great, it is also not necessary.  There are also many body weight exercises that can be just as effective when performed properly (consider technique and volume). Longevity have already developed a new “body weight only exercise system” for those who don’t have access to equipment or a looking for a new challenge – the perfect set of exercises to transfer all of the benefits of your gym sessions into your new home-based routine.

Find a Method 

Discover the best training method for you

  • Independent Training
  • Training with Friends/Family/Housemates
  • Online classes
  • Home visits with an Exercise Physiologist
  • Telehealth sessions with your Exercise Physiologist – find out more HERE


“Longevity have already developed a new “body weight only exercise system” for those who don’t have access to equipment or a looking for a new challenge – the perfect set of exercises to transfer all of the benefits of your gym sessions into your new home-based routine.”


Ensure the space you have chosen is safe and free from tripping hazards or obstacles. Remove any rugs/mats and other items laying on the floor.

If your balance is poor, ensure that you always have a rail and or sturdy table/chair to hold onto.  If you are very frail or assisting an elderly friend or relative, consider a completely seated routine.

Once again, if in doubt, or unsure about your ability, speak to your Exercise Physiologist about what is best for you.

Build a Routine

With so much change in recent times, most of us no longer have a day-to-day routine, let alone a structured exercise plan. Start thinking about how you can incorporate exercise into each day/week.

Consider structured appointments i.e With an Exercise Physiologist, Physiotherapist, Online Classes etc as well as independent exercise such as walking/running and weight training.

Introduce exercise each day and try to be consistent with timing and volume. I.e. 30 min walk every morning, 15 min stretch every afternoon.

At Longevity, we are happy to help you with your “home exercise strategy”. We can help you plan out your week to ensure you are meeting the exercise requirements for good health as well as provide extra encouragement and support to keep you on track.

Find Support

If you are thinking about exercising or continuing with your existing routine, it is essential to have a good support system to help you achieve your goal.

Enlist the support of other household members, family and friends to help with motivation. Consider training together to increase social connection and enjoyment.

Also consider having a health professional on your side. Your Longevity Exercise Physiologist is here to help you throughout your exercise journey and is an expert at finding a suitable exercise regime for EVERYONE, no matter the restrictions.

We are offering a FREE 15min strategy sessions to make sure that EVERYONE has a plan.

This will involve:

  • Downloading the appropriate app to your device to receive Telehealth and/or Physitrack consultations from your Exercise Physiologist or Personal Trainer
  • Set up of video and microphone to ensure you are able to be supervised appropriately for your exercise routine and view demonstrations from your Exercise Physiologist or Personal Trainer
  • A practice run to have a full understanding of how the system will work
  • Discussion on what equipment you already have or may need to to be able to complete your exercises at home
  • Putting you in contact with suppliers and gyms to purchase the materials or arranging delivery to your door.

Call 1300 964 002 and get moving today!

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