Feeling inspired by tonight’s episode of

Feeling inspired by tonight’s episode of #TheBiggestLoser? If you’re an individual that may be #overweight or #obese, please remember to take the necessary precautions to make sure you are exercising right for you and your body. These conditions certainly shouldn’t deter people from exercising; they just highlight the need for overweight and obese patients in…

Happiness, Health, Wealth or Other?

Recently I tweeted this question to leading young entrepreneur, Jack Delosa. Jack was kind enough to spend time answering this question and the similarities in our personal philosophy’s astonished me. Jack is an entrepreneur is currently CEO of the Entourage – Australia’s largest educator and community of entrepreneurs. Jack is a speaker of much renound and after seeing Jack speak on many occasions I can vouch for the fact that he is truly motivational.

At Jarrat Wood PT and www.personaltrainingprograms.com.au, our number one value for our staff and our clients is that HEALTH COMES FIRST.

Take a look and see if you agree with us…..and Jack. 

The Top 5 Traits of Elite Athletes – That You Can Have Too!

What do you think of when I say the words elite high performance athlete? Strong? Peak physical fitness? Talent? Muscles? If you thought of any of these you are to some degree, right. However, there is more to elite athletes than just their physical attributes. You may be thinking, ‘what do I have in common with an elite high performance athlete?’ I can tell you now: there would are more similarities than you think. Here are my top 5: