Client Success Story: Dorothy’s first pain-free tennis game!

Today, Longevity Exercise Physiology DrummoyneEdgecliff, Marrickville, Bella Vista, Randwick, Pymble, Bella Vista and Balmain put the spotlight on one of our clients at Neutral Bay who has achieved amazing results in a very short time!

Dorothy* was initially referred to us through her daughter who had already been training with us for some time. Dorothy had developed ongoing leg and lower back pain which had resulted in her stopping her competitive tennis which she loved. Keeping in mind Dorothy was 93, going on 94 at the time of first seeing us!

Dorothy came in with apprehension about getting started. She had already been told by her GP to stop tennis, with no definite return date to playing, she believed she may not be able to play again. During our assessment, I reassured Dorothy on safe movements to complete without exacerbation of pain. We also reviewed her activities at home which could be causing her pain and modified these.

We began with 2x strength sessions a week at our studio. As Dorothy got to see how she could still train without increasing her pain, her confidence and strength began to grow. We also tailored the program to tennis specific movements, which enhanced her confidence even more seeing how she could still move without risk.

After just 4 weeks of training, Dorothy returned ready for her first competitive game. Her first game ended not only pain free, but with a win! 

Dorothys family have expressed to us how she is now a different person. Her energy has improved immensely and her self confidence in general is so high now. She continues to still play competitively now, in addition to her 2x strength sessions per week with us.

Well done Dorothy, on the amazing comeback you have had and inspiration you have given to everyone here at Neutral Bay!

If you or someone you know of could benefit from a supervised exercise program call Longevity Exercise Physiology Edgecliff, Pymble, Marrickville, Randwick, Drummoyne, Balmain, Bella Vista and Neutral Bay on 1300 964 002 to enquire today!

Written by Luke Dorizas 

*Name changed for privacy

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