
Client Success Story: Jack the marathon runner!

As the City2Surf approaches  Longevity Exercise Physiology Drummoyne, EdgecliffMarrickvilleCastle Hill, RandwickPymbleKingsgrove, Neutral Bay,and Coburg, would like to highlight one of our clients from Randwick, Jack*, who has been training with us in preparation for the event.

Jack started training with Longevity 16 months ago, after moving from the UK to Sydney. He’d had a long break from exercise but was no stranger to long runs.

His running journey started in 2010 when he completed the London Marathon to raise money for charity in support of his mum, who had been diagnosed with cancer. Since then, Jack has complete 2 marathons and 4 half marathons!

Jack chose to run with Longevity’s City to Surf team this year “to challenge myself and set a goal to improve my health and fitness.” His goal is to complete the run in under 1 hour and 20 minutes, as a mini target before running one last full marathon.

To prepare for the City2Surf, Jack has been training with an Exercise Physiologist once a week and twice independently at the gym. Since turning 40, he has been managing chronic lower back pain and ankle instability, so we have focused on a combination of running, strength and stability exercises to manage these.

Jack has now reached a goal of deadlifting over 100kg, something he hasn’t been able to do for years!

Whilst Jack is very active for work, he struggles to find time for training, so working with an Exercise Physiologist has allowed Jack to make time for his exercise around a very busy work schedule. Having the goal of running the City2Surf has also helped motivate him to stay consistent with his training.

Jack is looking forward to challenging himself with the support of the Longevity team, as it will be his first running event in a few years. He also has a tattoo for every running event he has completed, so he is excited to be adding his first Sydney one to the collection soon!

Do you have a big event like the City2Surf, you would like to start training for? Give us a call on 1300 964 002 and speak with an Exercise Physiologist today!

Written by Eleni Bradley.





*Name changed for privacy reasons.







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