Exercise Right Week: Movement is Medicine
This Week: 25th – 31st of May 2020 is Exercise Right Week.
“Exercise Right Week is an annual public awareness campaign brought to you by Exercise & Sports Science Australia.”
“This year, the theme is “Movement is Medicine“. We want to highlight how powerful exercise, physical activity and movement are for your physical and mental health. We also want to showcase that exercise is for everyone, regardless of age, weight, background or health status, and to help everyday Australians understand where they can get the right advice for their individual needs.” – Exercise Right
It was once thought that when we were feeling sick, diagnosed with a health condition or became injured that we should be prescribed medication and told to “rest”. We now know that this is usually not the best form of treatment and rarely produces the best health outcomes. Instead, we now think of Exercise as Medicine and as something that can be prescribed, by an Exercise Physiologist or Allied health professional.
There is now an abundance of scientific research and evidence demonstrating the role of exercise in preventing and treating chronic health conditions.
Here are some common health conditions that can be improved with exercise:
- Hypertension
- Chronic Lower Back Pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Frailty and Falls
- Insulin Resistance and Diabetes
- Depression/Anxiety
- Cancer Treatment Side Effects
This Exercise Right Week is a great time to start moving and to seek medical expertise about the correct exercise program for you. Your Longevity Exercise Physiologists are Accredited with ESSA and are ready to help support you on your health journey.
Call Longevity 1300 964 002 and speak to an exercise expert today!