“I exercise to have ‘me’ time – to think, get
“I exercise to have ‘me’ time – to think, get clarity, feel energised, live long & be a great role model for our daughter.” – Melinda Jacobson, Executive Officer, Sports Dietitians Australia
“I exercise to have ‘me’ time – to think, get clarity, feel energised, live long & be a great role model for our daughter.” – Melinda Jacobson, Executive Officer, Sports Dietitians Australia
Longevity Exercise Physiology now has plenty of roles available for new graduate Exercise Physiologists to join our teams at Pymble, Neutral Bay, Edgecliff and Kingsgrove. This is a fantastic opportunity to kick start your career in a dynamic and supportive workplace! These locations are gym-based and offer a diverse range of private clientele. Longevity has…
Throughout the Winter months, there is always a steady stream of members and clients of the gym that are suffering from colds, flus and various viruses. It’s often a difficult decision to make, whether or not to continue exercising, rest or modify your training in some way. I’m a believer in continuing to train where possible but modifying your session. Here is why:
“At the two week point without exercising, there are a multitude of physiological markers that naturally reveal a reduction of fitness level,” says Scott Weiss, C.S.C.S, a New York-based exercise physiologist and trainer who works with elite athletes. Related: The 10 Worst Things you’re Doing For Yo…
If you’re looking for tailored, effective support for your health and mobility needs under the NDIS, look no further than Longevity Exercise Physiology in Ascot Vale. Our team of highly trained Exercise Physiologists are dedicated to improving the health, fitness, and overall quality of life of NDIS participants. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, managing…
Probably a good idea to stay away from these.
Meet Angela and Georgia, two remarkable individuals who embarked on their journeys at Longevity almost 6 and 4 years ago, respectively. Neither Angela or Georgia could have predicted at the beginning of their careers with Longevity that they would be where they are today. Angela and Georgia both now find themselves in pivotal non-client facing…