Tips on building an exercise routine!

Today, Longevity Exercise Physiology DrummoyneEdgecliff, Marrickville, Bella Vista, Randwick, Pymble, Neutral Bay and Balmain  discuss our 5 tips on how to build an exercise routine.

It’s getting to that time of year. The weather is warming up and those beaches are looking more inviting than ever. While we believe that every body is a beach body, it tends to be the time where people want to shake off the winter and get a little healthier. This year in particular. The problem is finding the motivation to get that butt into gear. Well we have a few tips for you!

Did you know that there is a thing called the ‘Cycle of Change?’ It depicts the different stages people go through when attempting to make some sort of change in their lives. It consists of 6 phases:

Pre-contemplation- What problem?

Contemplation- Thinking about it

Preparation- Let’s get a plan

Action-Just getting it done

Maintenance- Keeping it done

Relapse- Off the wagon we go

When trying to get into an exercise routine we follow these 6 stages of change. It can definitely be tough trying to kickstart a new routine so we wanted to give you a few little tips that we have picked up along the way.

  1. First things first SET A GOAL and make it REALISTIC. The last thing you want to do is set an unattainable goal that will ultimately leave you crushed when you can’t attain it. Secondly make it PERSONAL. Having a goal with meaning is going to make you more motivated to achieve it. For example ‘lose 5kg’ or ‘be able to fit into my favourite dress again’. We know what one we would pick.
  2. Create ACCOUNTABILITY. It’s a funny thing that we are generally ok to let ourselves down but dread disappointing others. While potentially not the healthiest outlook this kind of guilt can be used to our advantage when creating an exercise routine. If we know someone is expecting us or relying on us we are less likely to bail. So go to a class, get an exercise buddy, put it in your calendar or even tell everybody about your intentions.
  3. Thirdly we want you to focus on the LITTLE VICTORIES. It’s very easy to get a little demotivated when constantly looking at a long term far reaching goal. If we take a little time to have gratitude for where we are and how far we have come, we can hopefully stay the course to one day get to that goal.
  4. Most importantly is number four, BE KIND TO YOURSELF. We are all going to have setbacks. Heck it’s the reason it’s in the ‘Cycle of Change’. Just because we fall off the horse doesn’t mean we have to throw the horse away all together. Always know that tomorrow is another day and you can always try again.
  5. Finally if you are struggling SEEK HELP. We know how hard it is to make change and it is always nice having someone in your corner. Here at Longevity we are passionate about helping as many as we can lead a long and healthy life. We are always here to help if you need us.

So what do you say? Thinking about making a change and need a little guidance? Shall we embark on your fitness journey together? Contact Longevity Personal Training and Exercise Physiology on 1300 964 002 if you have any questions!

Written by Naomi Birchnoff

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