Do You Have a Stiff Neck from Working from Home?

Longevity Exercise Physiology Drummoyne, EdgecliffMarrickvilleBella VistaRandwickPymbleNeutral Bay and Balmain will discuss how working from home may lead to neck and back discomfort and how and an Exercise Physiologist may help.

Are you currently working from home? Are you finding yourself stuck and seated in the same position for prolonged periods of time? Have you experienced neck or back discomfort/stiffness? If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions – this is the blog for you.

Home work environments

Individuals who are currently working from home tend to be in work environments and work spaces that aren’t specifically designed or tailored to them. For example, poor quality work stations (table being too high/low or too small) and incorrect height with poor posture. These issues then become problematic when sitting in prolonged static positions for an extended period of time. This can lead to muscle groups becoming “tight”, “stiff” and “contracted”, resulting in muscle compensation, poor movement patterns  and muscle pain.

For individuals who are finding themselves in prolonged static positions, more frequently, i.e. “Desk Workers”. A “stiff neck” or “sore back” are common muscular experiences that are becoming seemingly more prevalent as Lockdown 2.0 goes on.

The utilisation of strength/resistance exercise, aims to improve muscular tolerance and ability to cope with metabolic stress – this increase in muscular strength may lead to minimising the risk of muscular tightness

How an Exercise Physiologist can help

Exercise Physiologists come equipped with the knowledge and skills to objectively assess muscular range of motion and compare gathered data to that of “norms”. Subsequently, Exercise Physiologists can prescribe movements and stretches to intermittently increase muscular length, resulting in potentially decreased pain sensations and muscular tightness. The implementation of strength exercises are essential, when aiming to OWN your newly found muscular length. The utilisation of strength/resistance exercise, aims to improve muscular tolerance and ability to cope with metabolic stress – this increase in muscular strength may lead to minimising the risk of muscular tightness.

How can an Exercise Physiologist assist during this time?

Create tailored and specific exercise program that is designed based off both subjective and objective information gathered in an initial consultation.

  • Provide strategies and guidance that can be implemented into daily routine
  • Assist with goal setting
  • Education of physiological responses to exercise stimulus

If you or anyone you know would benefit from exercise during this time, give us a call on 1300 964 002.

Written by Kale Barton-Bissaker

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