City2Surf: The Inside Running
With a lot of my clients currently preparing for the City2Surf I thought it would be pertinent to pass on some of my advice as a former distance runner turned sprinter on some of the do’s and don’ts of the world’s most popular fun run.
I first competed in the…
Cold Prevention and Treatment
It’s time to blog on a topic that affects EVERYONE. That’s right, everyone gets colds. Some are mild and virtually unnoticeable, some are fended off by the first barriers of your immune system – skin, mucus etc. and others can take hold…
Belinda Drops 50kgs in 8 Months!!
Recently, one of my clients reached a BIG BIG milestone. Since beginning training in late November last year Belinda has lost 50kgs in 8 months. I’ve been waiting to blog about this for some time but the City 2 Surf has taken precedence, especially…
The Elephant and the Rider Revisited
This week my focus is on dietary practices with many of my clients. More specifically, I am promoting a non-diet approach to your diet – what!! What I mean is that your diet should be based on regular healthy eating and not based on…
To Train or Not to Train, That is the Question
Throughout the Winter months, there is always a steady stream of members and clients of the gym that are suffering from colds, flus and various viruses. It’s often a difficult decision to make, whether or not to continue exercising, rest or modify your training…
Weight Training Guide – Part 1
Welcome to part 1 of a 2 part series of blogs on weight training. This week I look at some key areas that will help you to plan and perform your weights in a smarter and better way. Next week I will look at…
Live Long and Prosper
What is true health and fitness? Most gyms have some variation of the term within their name yet gazing about at the membership base reveals little as to what the term means or exactly what folks are trying to achieve. Should you let the meathead lifting a thousand pounds define…
Reflecting on Mental Illness
For people who have never experienced psychiatric or psychological disturbance it can be difficult to know how to react when a friend or family member is diagnosed with a mental illness. It is no longer considered fashionable to run away,…