“After 20 years as a professional surfer, a
“After 20 years as a professional surfer, a daily surf is still my favourite way to exercise as it keeps me active, healthy, centered and immersed in nature. Surfing literally keeps my life in perspective.” – Layne Beachley, Australian Surfing Champion #30for30 #ReasonsToExercise #ExerciseAwarenessMonth
VIDEO: Here are how many months you need to stick
VIDEO: Here are how many months you need to stick it out.
“At the two week point without exercising, there
“At the two week point without exercising, there are a multitude of physiological markers that naturally reveal a reduction of fitness level,” says Scott Weiss, C.S.C.S, a New York-based exercise physiologist and trainer who works with elite athletes. Related: The 10 Worst Things you’re Doing For Yo…
Stanislaw Kowalski is an 104 year old man who
Stanislaw Kowalski is an 104 year old man who competed at the Polish Veterans Championships on June 28, 2015, in Torun, Poland, where he became the world’s oldest athlete. God has made us more capable than we believe to be. Don’t give up! 😉
“Exercise is therapeutic, my meditation among the
“Exercise is therapeutic, my meditation among the chaos. It is what quietens my mind and allows it to breathe so I can be creative, perform and make decisions, free of fear. It is good for your body, and just as importantly, so damn good for your soul.” – Airling, Musician…
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed male cancer in Australia, with around 20,000 cases detected each year.
Extra #protein doesn’t always = more muscle gain,
Extra #protein doesn’t always = more muscle gain, but you should definitely focus on the timing and quality of your #protein