Longevity Exercise Physiology Marrickville

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP) at Longevity Exercise Physiology Marrickville are SIRA approved, enabling treatment for Workers Compensation and Motor Accidents Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance.

Exercise Physiologists prescribe functional exercises for the purpose of increasing a worker’s capacity for employment. They also provide a tailored exercise prescription to suit the workers needs and assist them transition to a self-managed exercise program.

Goal of the exercise sessions:
  • Return you to pre-injury capacity and/or full work duties after sustaining an injury at work or being involved in a motor vehicle accident
  • To get you back to full capacity as quickly as possible

“Exercise Physiologists prescribe functional exercises for the purpose of increasing a worker’s capacity for employment.”

What our AEPs will do for you:
  • A full assessment by one of Longevity’s AEP’s
  • An approval via an Allied Health Recovery Request (AHRR) must be received from your case manager before treatment proceeds.
  • Our AEPs will correspond with you, your insurer, treating doctors and other allied health providers throughout your treatment process.
  • Your capacity will continually be monitored and assessed with the overall goal to get you back to full capacity as quickly as possible.


Ryan & Isaac, our Accredited Exercise Physiologists based at Longevity Exercise Physiology Marrickville are available now to help you treat and/or manage your health conditions. Give Longevity Marrickville a call on 1300 964 002 today!

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