Join the resistance

Find it hard to train on holidays? Sick of doing the same old exercises all the time? Want to stretch your imagination and try something new? Maybe you should join the resistance! You may have seen what looks like large coloured rubber bands in the gym. No, these aren’t taken from the belt of a…

Hamstring Injury

One of the most common muscles injured in sport is the hamstring, as the hamstring muscles are very susceptible to tears and strains. Hamstring injuries are most common among sports that require a high degree of speed, power and agility such as soccer, basketball, tennis and football to name a few. As I have a…

Feeling the pressure?

High blood pressure & hypertension High blood pressure (or hypertension) is the most common of all the conditions of the circulatory system. Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of blood vessels, and the magnitude of this force depends on the cardiac output and the resistance of the blood vessels….

The body clock

Following an interesting conversation with a client on Monday, I thought it would be good to do a blog about a specific science related topic which is definitely applicable to those of us who keep ‘unusual’ hours in their lifestyle (frequent travellers anyone?). Hope you enjoy this one! Do you prefer certain activities at specific…

Exercise and Nutrition

Got enough energy? Daily eating patterns are important because they help us to build the body we need to complete our desired task. Whether it is competition sports, playing with friends, kids or grandkids, training at the gym, or simply undertaking our daily tasks, the major role of the daily diet is to supply us…

Leading a Balanced Lifestyle

Feeling tired? Overworked? Uninspired, unhealthy, complacent, or ‘stuck in a rut’? If you have answered yes to one or more of these, there’s a big chance that you are NOT leading a balanced lifestyle, and you need to make some changes! Leading a balanced lifestyle is about giving yourself the necessary things to nurture your mind,…

Building Balance in Your Body

Everyone has fallen over at least once in their life. Slippery floors, uneven surfaces, in the game, bad footwear, alcohol, injuries, not paying attention, poor balance and a lack coordination can all contribute to an increased risk of taking a fall. These all trigger the importance of building balance. This is especially important for mature populations…