Client Success Story: The Power of Collaboration

Sue Ella embarked on her journey with Longevity back in July 2023, motivated by a desire to address her lumbar disc bulges and alleviate back pain that had been troubling her. Her chiropractor, with whom she had been closely working to manage her condition, recommended Longevity as part of her treatment plan. Despite her initial apprehension and feeling vulnerable about exercising safely due to recent setbacks, Sue Ella, a former Master rower and lifelong active individual, took the leap.

With Zoe’s guidance and the collaboration between Zoe and Sue Ella’s chiropractor, Sue Ella found the courage to trust in the treatment plan. Over the past nine months, their teamwork has paid off. Sue Ella has not only conquered her back pain but has also returned to running, setting her sights on completing a half marathon. Her physical and mental health have seen a significant boost, and she now approaches exercise with confidence.

Recently, Sue Ella faced a setback with a wrist fracture from a fall. Though doctors recommended specialist care, Sue Ella’s trust in Zoe led her to prefer returning to Zoe for rehabilitation. 

“From our past success working together, I trusted that Zoe knew what she needed to do to get me back to where I was before my fall.” 

Despite the challenges, Sue Ella’s determination shone through. She stuck to the recovery plan put together by the allied health team diligently. By doing this, she surpassed expectations by getting back into gym work within just six weeks post-surgery and aiming to return to rowing in record time.

Sue Ella’s story is nothing short of inspiring. From feeling limited and uncertain about her exercise capacity, she has transformed into someone who not only achieves her goals but exceeds them. She serves as a shining example to women everywhere, demonstrating the power of trust and determination in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

If you are looking for an Exercise Physiologist who will collaborate  with your current health team to get you the best results,  look no further than Longevity. Call  Longevity Exercise Physiology Drummoyne, EdgecliffMarrickvilleCastle HillRandwickPymbleKingsgrove, Neutral Bay, Rhodes, Five Dock, Casey, Gungahlin and Coburg. on 1300 964 002 to start your journey to Longevity today! 

Written By Zoe Tanti

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