Thank you from the team

Dear Longevity Clients,

This week is Client Appreciation Week at Longevity! We are so excited to celebrate each and every one of you and to have this special opportunity to thank you for all of your support this year.

2021 has definitely been a crazy journey for all of us. We have all experienced higher levels of stress, uncertainty and new challenges with our health. Despite the barriers, concerns about safety and restrictions to your routines you have all adapted and trusted us with your exercise journey in and around lockdown.

The Longevity team are so grateful to our amazing client base for being so adaptable and continuing to stay in close communication with your Exercise Physiologists. It has been so great to stay connected with you all and share our experiences as a community. Thank you to those of you who also continued with their exercise sessions this year, whether face to face, outdoors, at your home or via telehealth, your loyalty and trust in the team is very appreciated. We were all able to continue to work throughout the lockdown and help more people with exercise than ever before!

Longevity clients form part of a very special community of individuals who have chosen to put health first and share this message with their own community.

Longevity clients form part of a very special community of individuals who have chosen to put health first and share this message with their own community. We would also like to thank you for introducing us to your families, pets, friends, and neighbours. We also love that you connect us with your doctors, physiotherapists, and extended health professional network.

We hope you all enjoy a very fun and special week and look forward to helping you achieve your goals in the final weeks of this year!

The Longevity Team, Jarrat, Ashleigh, Angela, Courtney, Mitch, Guy, Shannon, Nate, Hannah, Kale, Georgia, Kyle, Jackie, Naomi, Ellen, Susannah, Josh, Phillip, Annabel, Luke, Andrew and Nikki

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