The Program and Principles That Helped Me to 6 Sub-60min City2Surfs (and a 1hr 26min Half Marathon in 2016)
OK. This is a big one! Time for me to share the program and some of the golden rules I live and train by when preparing for a distance running event. I’ve been doing this for a long time now. My first City2Surf was…
Chris Jones – Osteo
Everything Counts
How to train your obliques
“Time is the most precious commodity out there. It’s the one thing you can’t buy or ever buy back. Give…
5 Differences Between Healthy and Unhealthy People
5 Differences Between Healthy and Unhealthy People
Being able to come into contact with so many different people of different ages, genders, walks of life and personalities is something I truly enjoy in my work. There is always something to be learnt from meeting and especially training someone who gives…
The 3 “Healthy” Foods That You Shouldn’t Be Eating
The 3 “Healthy” Foods That You Shouldn’t Be Eating
I recently read “Salt, Sugar, Fat” by Michael Moss. The book that takes an in depth look into the American processed food industry, food technology, marketing and research. It was an insightful and at times confronting, read. It has motivated me to…
Why Aren’t I Losing Weight?
Why Aren’t I Losing Weight?
This is the question that many people are asking themselves every day across the globe (or at least in developed nations with the most obesity and overweight issues). Usually it’s rhetorical. Sometimes it’s to yourself in the mirror…Or to your partner…Or anyone who will listen…
Injury Management 101
Injury Management 101
As a personal trainer, you get a terrific perspective on people’s lives through shared experiences. This week has given me pause to think about the trials and tribulations we all face. We are all prone to a setback here and there. We all have birthdays,…