Redefining Careers: Angela and Georgia’s Longevity Experience

Meet Angela and Georgia, two remarkable individuals who embarked on their journeys at Longevity almost 6 and 4 years ago, respectively. Neither Angela or Georgia could have predicted at the beginning of their careers with Longevity that they would be where they are today. Angela and Georgia both now find themselves in pivotal non-client facing…

A Decade of Commitment: Jacquie’s Journey with Longevity’s Lifetime Booking System

In the bustling world we inhabit today, where schedules often dictate our lives, maintaining a consistent exercise routine can be a challenge. However, nestled within this fast-paced landscape, there are individuals like Jacquie, whose steadfast commitment to health and wellness stands as a testament to the power of consistency and personalised support. Today, Longevity Exercise…

Miles Apart, Success Together: Stefan’s Story at Longevity

Embarking on a full-time career as a new graduate can be an intimidating prospect, and the challenges multiply when your team is scattered miles away. Today, we ask Stefan,  team leader at  our Coburg location, how support systems in place at Longevity actively contributed to shaping his career, and allowed him to build Coburg from…

A Client Perspective: The Advantages of Having Direct Contact with Your Exercise Physiologist

Prior to your first consultation with our Exercise Physiologists at Longevity, you will engage in direct communication with them, establishing a foundation for your ongoing journey with us. Throughout your experience, you will maintain direct contact with your Exercise Physiologist, who serves as your dedicated accountability partner. This open line of communication guarantees a personalised…

Longevity for Life

In a world where health and fitness are often met with fleeting solutions, Longevity stands apart with an unparalleled commitment to your well-being. Our Lifetime Booking System is a testament to this dedication, designed to ensure that your health remains a top priority throughout all stages of life. Consistency in Commitment: Your Reserved Time Slot…

From New Grad to Leader: A Four Month Reflection at Longevity

Today, Longevity Exercise Physiology ask Nat, recent new graduate and Leader of our Kingsgrove location, to shine a light on her first few months at Longevity. In my brief yet transformative four months with Longevity, I’ve witnessed a professional evolution beyond my initial expectations as an Exercise Physiologist (EP). Initially focused on clinical, face-to-face interactions…

Empowering Health Together: Longevity’s Allied Health Networking Night

At Longevity, collaboration is one of our core values. This means not only working harmoniously within our teams but also engaging with other healthcare providers in our communities. We adopt a multidisciplinary approach to deliver the best results for our clients. We take pride in ensuring that Longevity Exercise Physiologists serve as the central figures in…

The Grip-Longevity Connection: Improving Grip Strength and More

A recent article in The Sydney Morning Herald has brought to light the underestimated importance of grip strength in predicting longevity. But the benefits go beyond just a strong grip. In this blog, we explore how working with a Longevity Exercise Physiologist can not only enhance your grip strength but also improve various aspects of…

Transform Your Health with Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists in Randwick!

Are you ready to take control of your health and well-being? Look no further than our team of Accredited Exercise Physiologists in Randwick. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your health and fitness goals with a holistic approach that leads to lasting lifestyle changes. Why Choose Us: Holistic Approach: We’re committed to guiding you…

A Day in the Life of a New Graduate Exercise Physiologist: Michael’s Onboarding Experience

We know that for many new grads, the idea of starting your first full time job and be exciting but also daunting. Today, we have asked Michael, our latest Exercise Physiologist to join the team at Randwick and recent new grad, to share his experience.  My Experience with Longevity has been nothing short of incredible….