Fitness & Personal Training, Deliver World Class
Fitness & Personal Training, Deliver World Class training sessions with an emphasis on prescribing exercise as medicine. Receive expert training and professional development.
Fitness & Personal Training, Deliver World Class training sessions with an emphasis on prescribing exercise as medicine. Receive expert training and professional development.
Hopefully, if you are reading this you are becoming increasingly confident with the connection between exercise and mental health. Brock Chisholm, former Director of the World Health Organisation famously said in 1954: “without mental health there can be no true physical health.” We have known for many years that exercise improves mental health but we talk little about the actual mechanisms by which this occurs. In this article I will detail 7 mechanisms by which exercise may assist in the prevention and support the treatment of some mental health disroders. For the purposes of this broader argument, I am referring to a wide range of issues and conditions relating to mental health including: depression disorders, anxiety disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Bi-polar, Al Zheimer’s and Dementia. This also includes managing stress. This article is not intended as a cure-all for mental health. It is provided as general advice. All of our programs (in particular for individuals suffering from clinically diagnosed conditions) are prepared on an individual basis and in conjunction with specific advice from mental health professionals. My hope is that you will come to see as one psychologist put it: “that exercising when you are highly stressed should be considered as appropriate as taking a panadol when you have a headache.” Read on for the 7 theories of improved mental health through exercise:
DEPRESSION MONSTER: DISTORTION ATTACK Using its huge sloth-like claws, depression monster can augment the view of ones pleasant life events and make them appear less enjoyable. The depression monster can pack a punch, but don’t let that discourage you. It can be trained. Find out how to train depression monster:
With Mental Health Month in full swing, How to Train Your Mental Health Monsters aims to raise awareness of the importance of regular physical activity in maintaining good mental health and preventing and managing mental health conditions. How to Train Your Mental Health Monsters provides a glimpse into how these conditions may look, feel, and…
Science is here for you, cheese lovers.
Spirulina claims it’s a good source of protein, however you would have to ingest approximately 150 tablets to reach the recommended 20-25g #notpractical
Personal Training Programs – Blog
“I move every day. I don’t always push myself to the limit, but I love to stretch myself to see what I am capable of. I pursue fresh air and pleasure in activity – it’s about a feeling not an appearance.” – Sarah Berry, Journalist at The Sydney Morning Herald –, yoga teacher
Even Thomas Jefferson recognised the importance of physical activity: “Not less than 2 hours a day should be devoted to exercise and the weather shall be little regarded. If the body is feeble, the mind will not be strong.” #30for30 #ReasonstoExercise #ThomasJefferson #GetMoving
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein