“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein
“A person who masters their nutrition would look at the Paleo diet and understand that there is no one size fits all approach to nutrition. Nutritional intake needs to match individual requirements and the Paleo diet may be a starting point for some, but not necessarily be the best in reaching their destination and goals”…
“I’ve exercised my entire life. As a kid it was for fun. When I was younger, it was for weight loss. But now as an adult, I exercise to feel good and for my mental health. Exercise, is the biggest self-esteem booster, stress buster and anxiety killer.” – Gabrielle Maston Dietitian & Exercise physiologist
#DidYouKnow people who exercise regularly have a 40% – 50% lower risk of colon cancer? #30for30 #ReasonstoExercise #ColonCancer #ExerciseAwarenessMonth #ExerciseRight
Charles Darwin’s formulation of the theory of evolution takes overwhelming share of public vote, ahead of Kant, Plato and Einstein
“I exercise to have ‘me’ time – to think, get clarity, feel energised, live long & be a great role model for our daughter.” – Melinda Jacobson, Executive Officer, Sports Dietitians Australia
You need more than just exercise.
The science of nutrition has come a long way, and although steak may not be a pre-race meal of choice, the nutrition benefits of red meat for athletes continue to be recognised ~ Lisa Middleton http://bit.ly/1PBeQqF
Stand more at work without back and knee pain.
“I exercise every day for balance – emotionally, physically and mentally.” – Hayden Quinn, Celebrity Chef and Owner of The Cube Gym – Functional Health and Fitness