The Logic of Science
The Logic of Science
The Logic of Science
Why lifting weights is more important to your health than you think.
The SMH Half Marathon (21.1km) has been run and done on Sunday, 15th March and once again we had a number of clients (and staff) put together outstanding performances. Marcella was brilliant as head cheerleader and photographer and I decided to use the photo above as the best representation of the day and the efforts of the group. You see, it’s not the actual running of the event for me that is important. It’s in the quiet moments in the lead-up to the run. This was one such moment. We were together as a group but you can see from the photo that everyone was together but alone with their thoughts at the same time. For some, their performance on Sunday was the result of years of hard work. For others it was weeks. Regardless, the outcome is a product of the process. A process of hard work, sacrifice. Today, I acknowledge the work that each individual put in to perform their best. Read on for the full wrap:
This guy’s footwork is out of control
Russell Cox – Director / Owner Operator I am a fitness professional possessing a unique perspective on the obstacles people face recovering from a major illness or surgery, having myself suffered…
Heart attacks are the single biggest killer of Australians each year. 54,000 Australians suffer from a heart attack each year (This equates to one every 9 minutes). This week is heart foundation heart week and below are the Warning signs of a heart attack which you can share with your patients: (You may have just…
Firstly, I want to say how grateful I am to be working with Jarrat Wood PT. I’ve truly found my passion and am committed to helping every one of you achieve your long-term goals. But my commitment to this gym hasn’t just been over this last month. I’ve been a member for 4 years. So as someone who’s been both a client and trainer, I want to share my own Jarrat Wood PT transformation story.
When the voice inside of you is louder than voices outside of you, you have begun to master your life.
In the fitness industry, everyone’s obsessed with “more”. More cardio. More squats. More gym time. More calorie restriction. But if you’re not careful, “more” can lead to overtraining, injury, and illness. Here’s how to know what’s TOO MUCH when it comes to exercise.
Key Points: