Bye-bye big tobacco.
Bye-bye big tobacco.
Bye-bye big tobacco.
CHANCES are you know that ice-cream, chocolate biscuits and potato chips are not likely to be your friends when weight control is the goal but what about the other silent saboteurs that slip into your diet regularly?
About 3 years ago following my 60th birthday my GP recommended I have a comprehensive heart check. Although I felt fine, it disclosed that a lifetime of relatively sedentary but stressful work, sporadic exercise and undisciplined eating and drinking, had wrought the usual havoc-moderate coronary and carotid artery disease, blood pressure and body weight outside normal limits.
Although the treating doctors did not suggest I was about to die, they prescribed a pot pourri of daily medications and gently hinted that changing my life style might be a good idea-otherwise…. I was, however, quite shocked: whatever remained of my youthful illusion of immortality vanished overnight. I was just another middle aged (elderly?) male on the downhill slide to oblivion. In short it was a wakeup call.
By chance I stumbled into the Regenesis Gym at Edgecliff and met up with Jarrat Wood, Personal Trainer.
I have lactose intolerance so I must completely avoid dairy, MYTH. Most individuals with lactose intolerance are still able to consume small amounts of regular dairy products, depending on their individual tolerance. Yoghurt and cheese are low in lactose, and the healthy bacteria present in yoghurt further aids in its digestion. Try spreading your intake…
So you enjoy your exercise, but are not sure if you should move early in the morning or after work? Read the full blog here –> #ExerciseTips #ExerciseRight #GetMoving
Australia is ranked 94 out of 131 countries for being physically active. And we’re not one of the 37 countries which have a National Physical Activity Plan. The results of the overview of physical activity and public health across the globe has reinforced the need for a comprehensive policy response…
A new study finds that the brains of older people who are fit look more like those of younger people.
There is an optimal macronutrient ratio, MYTH. Individual athletes need different amounts of the three macronutrients based on how much they train. Carb requirements vary the most according to training volume. Individualise your plan with an AccSD
Chronic diseases are responsible for nine out of ten deaths in Australia, and for much of the public health expenditure that’s causing governments so much concern.
Not all protein shakes and smoothies are created equal